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  1. #1
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    Default Rogue TR into a Monk, need opinions

    I have a 13/6/1 Rogue / Fighter / Monk Quarterstaff Drow elf build that I want to TR into a Monk. This TR will be to play a lowbie when raids are slow or I'm just looking casually play for a quest or two. I have other characters that I run end game with that get the attention first. Here's some gear that will be carrying over:

    Min2 HP Cloak
    Sora Kel Set
    +4 Meta/PG Quarterstaff
    Brawling Gloves (from Crystal Cove event)
    Tharnes Goggles

    Nothing out of the ordinary, gonna try and get Icy Rainments before I make the plunge.

    So I'm looking for what would be a good set up, here's a few options:

    Half Elf with Cleric Dilly, Half Elf with Rogue Dilly (Str or Dex based)
    Halfling Dex based, AC and Stuns

    From what I've read, Light Monk fits my style, but I'd be open to Dark.
    I'd like to take the Rogue Past Life feat, be bad ass with Stuns, and resourceful.
    I've never played a Monk, though I've been playing since launch so I have a large understand of DDO.

    I know AC gets worthless after the Vale (or Gianthold depending on builds) but this character might not make it that far so I like Dex based Halfling. On the other hand, Half Elf with Cleric fits my playstyle with the self healing and all. The character's name is "Bro" so I'm picturing a halfling....

    If you could, please propose a solid Monk build with Rogue Past Life feat planned in. I'll check back in a few hours or so, see what's shakin! Thanks,

    Lyandiir Arrowfel, Bullhorn, Premier, Bro. Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Garments of Equilibrium drops in the Lordsmarch chain, which is a popular mid-level item for monks. You might want to grab that too. I have not seen any Q-staff based monks because handwraps are soooooo superior for special attacks, not just raw damage. The Garments boosts hands by one die step.

    If you are going self healing line, Halfling Dragonmark is something to consider. Feats will be tight, but you can get Monk heal Amp, Jidz Heal Amp, Ship buff Amp, and craft Amp on DT robe to supplement the heals. Heal amp does not boost the heal curse though. Vampiric handwraps are a good thing to get, but you'll need a substantial Heal Amp to double their output.

    If you're going with Sneak Attack damage, you'll want to take Water stance 2nd level and buy Unbalancing strike.
    It's the Monk's cheap Radience Rapier.
    Dark Monks get a significant amount of Sneak Attack adds too - 3D6 by level 12, augmented by the Brawling Gloves, and any past life stuff. Sneak Attackers are less dependent on AC, for obvious reasons, so Displacement and Incorporeal from Shadow fade might be sufficient. You can look at the Dragonmark for Elf(?H-elf too) to get Displacement- but it's a common Party buff. With a good Wis score, you can frequently land Q-Palm, which is a LOT like Assassinate 2.

  3. #3
    Community Member Premier's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Thanks for the reply, I'll work on those Garments of Equilibrium.

    I'll definitely be using Handwraps. I made the Vampiric Shadow Staff (or whatever it's called) when the quests first came out, too bad I can't deconstruct

    For Displacement I'll use Greensteel clickies.

    If someone can sway me towards a monk build I'd like to hear it.

    To be honest I'm leaning towards Halfling: Better to-hit (Dex based), better AC, more sneak attack dmg, able to crawl under ogres legs, solid stuns. I'd like to hear an opinion otherwise. Peace!
    Lyandiir Arrowfel, Bullhorn, Premier, Bro. Ghallanda

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