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  1. #1
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    Default Invulnerability Armor

    At which point does Invulnerabilty Armor stop being good? I've had mine on for a while but I'm not sure if its time to look for something new.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rdonaccount's Avatar
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    It stops becoming awesome around the 10-12 range, when some mobs start getting magic weapons to bypass it. But even mobs that have magic melee weapons don't have magic ranged attacks yet, so you can use it thru gianthold and still get some benefit out of invulnerability.
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  3. #3
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    I often wear my robe of invulnerability (min lvl 2) from lvl 2 to level 16, at which point I switch to my dragontouched outfits. That should only be the case for you if you have heavy fort on your other slots (Ive got a lvl 5 mod fort hat, a lvl 9 heavy for hat, and a level 11 heavy fort minos), and theres nothing better to put on your body slot.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Teech's Avatar
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    I have a similar kinda question.

    Would one sacrifice AC for invulnerability at those low levels?

    If I have a Full Plate of Invulnerability, and a Mithril Full Plate, which should I wear? (Say at levels 6 or so?)

  5. #5
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    It's handy until around level 10 or so. If you want DR on your armor for sands and gianthold quests you're better off with spearblock probably.

    For the AC question it depends on your AC with each armor. In most cases I would go for AC if I can get to a point where I'm blocking 50% of attacks. Otherwise I don't bother as I've better things to wear and AC requires multiple items to be effective, eg protection and dex items.
    Last edited by Chette; 04-22-2011 at 07:06 PM.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0pazdrag0n View Post
    At which point does Invulnerabilty Armor stop being good? I've had mine on for a while but I'm not sure if its time to look for something new.
    They're good until you pull your Icy Raiment.

  7. #7
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    DR5 is always useful, even in epics.

    Of course if you're running epics you might want armor that has dr5 instead, but it's still dr5

  8. #8
    Community Member Rdonaccount's Avatar
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    At very low levels, it depends on whether or not you solo or do quests on elite. DR5/magic will basically make you undamageable in most 4-6 quests, regardless of AC. I'd recommend trying both types of plate out, but my hunch is that you'll be more survivable at lvl 6 with the invulnerability. I'd also recommend switching to adamantine full plate at around 10 when some mobs start getting magic weapons. 3/- will be better than 5/magic at that point. Of course, if the difference in AC would make you untouchable, stick with AC, but the other value of dr is that it stops glancing blow damage too.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdonaccount View Post
    At very low levels, it depends on whether or not you solo or do quests on elite. DR5/magic will basically make you undamageable in most 4-6 quests, regardless of AC. I'd recommend trying both types of plate out, but my hunch is that you'll be more survivable at lvl 6 with the invulnerability. I'd also recommend switching to adamantine full plate at around 10 when some mobs start getting magic weapons. 3/- will be better than 5/magic at that point. Of course, if the difference in AC would make you untouchable, stick with AC, but the other value of dr is that it stops glancing blow damage too.
    Very informative post, even though it is an older post. I was looking for some information on invulnerability today and this was helpful. Thanks guys! (2 years later).

  10. #10
    Community Member K_0tiC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myxalplyx View Post
    Very informative post, even though it is an older post. I was looking for some information on invulnerability today and this was helpful. Thanks guys! (2 years later).
    All the necromancy happening on the forums must be all the downtime & bored people digging into the time capsule!

    Would suggest kaleths touch which is dr5/evil trinket (scarab powder turn in), but only if you have mantle of the worldshaper for your 5% exp. Personally find it much better to get out of crafted armor and make a ml8 cannith challenge frozen tunic the freezing ice procs like crazy in the lower levels so when you cleave/great cleave you freeze lots of things at once. For monks this paired with stonedust normally leaves 50% of the mobs around you frozen/stoned you can stunning fist/trip whatever didnt get hit by the procs while the cleaves come back off timer.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Also keep an eye out for the Bracing / Bolstering / Buttressing prefix items if so inclined.

    Buttressing = DR 4/-, and Natural Armor +3 at...I think +3 base modifier, so not too bad.

  12. #12
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    Eh...since its necroed anyway...

    Lifeshield is also a useful mod on armor, statistically its basically DR 1.5/- that works against magic, too - and since its craftable, you can craft it onto an Adamantine armor and enjoy both forms of damage ablation.

    Pair it with two Bodyfeeder scimitars/rapiers, Bodyfeeder stacks with Lifeshield, and you'll be pretty much unbreakable until at least the early teens, once mobs start hitting for more than 15/30 damage regularly.

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