Guildie told me he read/heard somewhere that the Quickdraw feat will eliminate that 2-3 second pause in attacking that occurs whenever you click an action boost (Fighter Haste, Barb Damage, Human Versatility, etc). Any validity to that?
Guildie told me he read/heard somewhere that the Quickdraw feat will eliminate that 2-3 second pause in attacking that occurs whenever you click an action boost (Fighter Haste, Barb Damage, Human Versatility, etc). Any validity to that?
Cuts it down from 1.2 secs to 0.6 IIRC.
Essential feat for a Kensai...
*edit* and as you mentioned HV don't forget you can hit yout FHB and HV hotkeys simultaneously and they share the same timer.
Thelanis - Inferus Sus
Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing WarforgedNursing IsFutile (FvS) - Unorthodox Behaviour (Kensai) - Bigbofo (Warchanter) - Nukelear Blast (Sorc) - Jurugu Fleshbane (currently TRing) - Reviving IsCheaper (Radiant Blaster)
Yes, it does reduce it significantly. It also reduces the lag when switching weapons mid combat. Well worth it on a fighter that can afford the feat.
Thanks for the quick replies. This is indeed for a Kensai build, TR'ing my Tempest to a an 18/2 ftr/rog. Never knew you could hit two action boosts at the same time though. My Tempest has a rog splash and I use the rogue haste boost and HV damage boost together all the time (with twice the swing stopping time).
yeah definately makes a difference when heavy twitching is involved. Power surge, stunning blow, HV damage then haste without quickdraw really can get you a late jump on attacks. def an awesome feat!