There is no +1 loot bonus level, its an april fools joke. I played last night and it had to be -1 loot!!
There is no +1 loot bonus level, its an april fools joke. I played last night and it had to be -1 loot!!
()ptimistic Guardian
As I understand it:
It just adds +1 to the max potential level of loot.
so if a quest can drop ml10 weapons and you have a +1, you're not gonna even possibly get ml12 weapons unless you put a gem on..
even moreso quest tend to be like: ml6-10 so getting the best ml items are gonna be rare as it is.
also does nothing for raid loot or named items.
unless it really is something like a less drop rate for fun, lol
April fools jokes aside, I noticed the same thing. Running Vale rares last night, I was getting JUNK loot, and less of it. Every other time turbine has posted a loot weekend, I have seen more items drop in the chests, with better values. And no, I am not talking about ransacked/stripped chests...though +1 loot does make it take longer to strip them out by one pull![]()
We have not been doing our weekly sacrifice to the loot gods, they have become very angry with us, we must make a sacrifice to the loot gods via volcano! Make sure the sacrifice does not have a friend named Joe, or the loot gods shall continue their reign of chaos upon our helpless loot tables. The balances of the looterverse have been tipped, they must be put back into balance.
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. - Mark Twain
Thank you for volunteering. No worries about having a friend named Joe, we plan to throw him in first so you no longer have a friend named Joe...
Sadly...Your friend Joe had a friend named Joe who had a friend named the time the entire ordeal was finished, I am sorry to report that all Joes, Josephs, Joeys, and Jim (just for good measure) have been sacrificed to said volcano. It was for the Greater Good +5 Loot Bonus.
You forgot to Diplo the chests!
"... Could be worse... Could be raining..."
I am, however, a forgiving god, and will not destroy you. Provided, of course, that the appropriate sacrifices are made. After all, proper ritual and procedure must be maintained, lest your mortal societies descend once again into heathen barbarism and your cities crumble into forgotten ruin.
Sacrifices will be accepted, either by mail or in person, by my mortal emissaries upon Eberron. Their names are listed below.
All that is wrong with DDO, life, taxes, poltics, religion, music, fast food, education, the criminal justice system, the weather, society, the universe, and previously-discontinued-but-now-on-their-way-back snack cakes, is all the fault of Wizards of the Coast. I know this because Fred told me so, and Mind Flayers are smart.
I have been getting good loot all day. Just pulled a Ring of the Broccolantern about an hour ago. Summons a Broccoli Archon to fight by your side for 10 minutes, BtA No Min Lvl.
2 tomes in 1 TS tonight, i think the loot boost might be real