Will auction a Chaosblade Scroll for about a week. Please PM with offers in FRDS to Vlade or Vladeb.
Will auction a Chaosblade Scroll for about a week. Please PM with offers in FRDS to Vlade or Vladeb.
No molestes Vladeb solo pasamelo porfavor! :P
Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
Cool kids play on Mabar!
1 scale![]()
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Dangit... you would post this right before they become generic Demon Sands scrolls... where were you two months ago?Well, I'll say 1 FRDS.
Edit: Doh! Glenalth beat me to it. Grr... Nevermind then, I'll just wait.
Last edited by WolfHealr; 03-29-2011 at 11:56 PM.
General mischief maker and trap spring... I mean... disarmer. No really! I swear I had no idea that trap was there!
I have 2 reds to waste![]()
Probably true - but I finally decided to TR again to an arcane and work towards Completionist. I can wait a bit to pull one and pause the TRainwreck for a few weeks to enjoy it when I do... after all, I've had the rest of the pieces for two months now, whats another year or so![]()
General mischief maker and trap spring... I mean... disarmer. No really! I swear I had no idea that trap was there!
Sadly enough... 1 scale or a couple will not be nearly enough. Might have to hold off the auction until after u9 and/or further news of no retroactive generic scroll changes for the value of my scroll to skyrocket. ^_^
Anyone with a serious offer?
I am minded to consider that generic scrolls would increase the price. Lets use the generic raid sands scroll.
Every generic raid scroll would effectively be priced at the highest valued item from each epic series. Such as for Sands raid scrolls, they would be priced at marilith chain prices. right? Irrespective of the owner intentions of use.
Overall, you will see an increase in the crafting of specific items, such as the marilith chain however, demand will outpace supply for a long time to come. What is really underpinning the whole scroll 'crisis' is the drop rate.
Happy to discuss
I'm pretty sure there will not be a 'generic sands raid scroll" and a "generic sands scroll". It's most likely there will only be a 'generic sands scroll'.
The thing currently holding scrolls value is the fact that noone is sure when they will retroactively change the packs. As soon as that is announced the prices will tank. It is only a matter of time. This much we do know.
How many sands scrolls of choice does one person need? 10? 20? you can farm that in a day if they are all generic, even with a lower drop rate. So I would have to disagree with you that generic scrolls would hold any value beyond the first week they are retrofitted.
This reasoning is incorrect. Quantity is what will affect prices because all scrolls will be the same scarcity will no longer be an issue. Since drop rates are around 1 scroll per 100 mobs killed, acquiring a sands scroll will be trivially easy to do. Instead seals, shards and items will have higher values since they can only be obtained by looting certain chests, completing raids or through trades/ah for unbound items.
I am minded to consider that there will not be a generic scroll for all items. Rather, the items will be broken down into area's i.e. within the sands outdoor area, quests and raid.
Therefore, a scroll farmed from WK will be useful for items from WK only. With this assumption, if proven to be correct, then my reasoning is sound. Please be minded to understand, with speculation, there is no wrong or right irrespective of what you think is the case.
Based on my previous farming experience with trogs (ADQ1), 3,000 kills in one session, provided approx 30 scrolls, this correlates with the assumption that scroll drops are 1% of kills. however, of this sample only 2 were raid scrolls.
Therefore, I am minded to consider that the raid scrolls are generated from a separate loot table. I propose the following assumption. There are 2 tiers of scrolls, standard (quest & outdoor area) and raid (rare). This would provide and explanation as to why only 2 rather than 6 raid scrolls dropped within the sample batch.
To support this, a simple analysis of the items available in the sands. I put forward this observation. There are 64 items in the Sands pack, 14 of these are raid items, the ratio is 21 % of items are raid items. Therefore, it would be reasonable to suggest that with scroll drops there is a 1 in 5 chance for a raid scroll. However, my observation is that 21% of sands scrolls which do drop are not raid scrolls. This supports my suspicion that there is separate loot table designed for scrolls.
I am currently killing on average 300 mobs per week and i have done this for the past 4 four weeks. In total, I have killed approx 1200 mobs and have pulled 8 scrolls. none are raid scrolls.
Happy to share my opinion on drop rates and speculations on future matters. If anyone else is keeping "real" statistical data on drops in sands I would be very interested in your findings.