I've never felt compelled to post on the forums or generally pay them very much attention but when a guildy sent me a text message saying "Google Paintrainn

" I felt obliged to break my silence and check it out.
I think using the word "ragequit" is a tad misrepresentative of me although it does essentially summarise what happened from your perspective. The same guildy who sent me the message was recently scammed on 3 blue dragonscales in an identical fashion to how I thought I was being scammed - hence my reaction. I was mid-quest chain with a group and I dropped to make that trade and then rejoin. When the deal, in my eyes, turned sour I immediately relogged with my other toon to continue the quest chain. I'm sorry you felt I was unduly rude to you. From memory, which is not exactly perfect I admit, I said something along the lines of "You just tried to scam me. The figure jumped from 300,000 to 300 plat" and after you responded I said "no thank you". In light of the trade bug I was unfair so for that again I apologise but you weren't "ragequit" on.
It does grieve me that what happened clearly upset you and drove you to post on the forums regarding the behaviour. To be honest it is quite helpful that a bug has been called to my attention that I was otherwise unaware of. The trade was fair and there are no qualms there. A problem we have on DDO is seriously unrealistic and speculative trade offers. We only need to look on the AH to find "large devil scales for 1.5million plat buyout" to see prime examples of this. So when rational trade offers and requests are made I genuiney feel compelled to help out because it adds value to our community. Despite being in our own segregated guilds we are all part of the same community whether we choose to realise it or not. In my eyes it is especially important to help out guildies and other players with things like ingredients. This is a valuable part of helping to better and improve this game we all love and devote so much of our time to. That is something I encourage and respect in other players.
I'm very proud of our guild. I like to think that we have a good reputation for solid palyers who consistently produce good characters contributing to the quality of DDO play. So it also grieves me to think that others could read this and take away a negative perception of SDM. We are a small collection of committed players who all know each other personally and it is important to every one of us that we maintain and improve our reputation on the server in all respects. As a result I am sensitive to the potential for any ill-will to be bred between the guilds as a result of something that was no more than a misunderstanding. I'm looking forward to seeing you online and rectifying this situation and helping your guildy out with some black dragon scales.
here's tae ye (that's Scots for "cheers") x