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Despite the attempt at humor in the title, this is a serious post. It might even denigrate into a wall of text, so be forewarned. First a little background.
Recently, in a NECRO 2 elite run, slightly above lvl (10ish), some guildies and I put up an lfm.We picked up a TR'd Wizzy and a Cleric. It was Tomb of the Shadow King and Guard for reference. Guard went somewhat well, as all but the cleric and a barb had done it before, multiple times. They got lost in the water, and we told the wiz and a fighter to go on ahead and clear some if they could. Well I went back and got them and we caught up right before the end fight and BAM mummy's dead. easy peasy. Well we go on to King and due to a miscommunication, 2 peeps went the wrong way and created a DA4 alert. Well this new cleric was bombarded for requests for heals, restoration, etc., while the rest of us are fighting all the Shadows, phase Spiders, Umbrals, etc, etc. As a side note, All of us carried pots and used them as we were able, but it wasn't enough. Well, it happens and we wiped. One of my guildies had a res cake and said he was gonna try to get a couple of us to the shrine in the middle, but to give him a few, he needed a drink and would brb. While we were waiting, I started talking to the cleric( I have a TR'd cleric and have ran him on everything but epics before his TR. He wasn't built for epics at that time.) and was asking what happened, did she need a pot or two, why she didn't Radient burst(Rad Ser 1), what happened etc, etc. Let me stress that I was extremely polite and was not derogatory in any way. She seemed to run out of SP's way to quick and I was curious. Well it turns out that she is fairly new( couple months) and had joined a rather large guild on our server, who is known for taking anyone, and made a cleric, because in their GC, someone mentioned that they needed a few more. Well to make this a little shorter, she had NO CLUE WHATSOEVR about radient servent, what spells to take where etc. I asked if she'd talked to a guidie about it and she responded that except for a few newb's that she was friend's with, she didn't really have any contact with a lot of her guild members.Well the rescue attempt failed, and as we were going to go do a few high level guild things, I told her that if she ever needed help getting her cleric right, look me up. She stated that if I had some time right then, she would really apprieciate it. Well, we had more than enough guildies on, so I said sure. I proceded to give her a walkthrough on clericing, from 1st lvl to end game, and helped her respec for rad servant. Before we were done she had invited a couple of her guildie friends for the impromptu lesson, and quite frankly, I had a good time passing on my knowledge. They all were vey thankful and asked if they could contact me again, for advice on clerics, and other classes. Now I told them I am not an expert, but I would be more than happy to help. Which lead me to...
My wife and I discussing it. She's our guild founder and I am heir. She was half watching me and offering a bit of advice here and there that I overlooked or forgot. She said it was really nice of me and got a thoughtful look in her eyes that lead to the main purpose of this post. We, the combined members of Creeping Death want to offer "classes" if you will, on characters, builds, etc., for all the new people joining our server. We have several TR's many capped toons, and a few old timers, so we do have a wealth of experience to pass on. We aren't Elitists bt any means, nor do we consider ourselves an Elite guild, but we are improving daily and hope to be known as one in the future. So my main question is this....
How many of you out there on Sarlona, would be interested in helping? We have a ton of friends, and I know many founders of other guilds, who I think would be willing to, but I know you read the forums, so I would like for you to post it here. We all see the posts about the jerks, and the people complaining about newbs, and people not having a clue, just as we see some people defending them by saying that if someone had taught them, or showed them the ropes, that they wouldn't be so bad. So it's time to actually do something about it. Let's get together and offer some "classes" to help people learn. Maybe even a raid or three at level, so we can teach them proper ettiquitte and savvy about raids. With this in mind, I will be offering a clericing class SOON and would like a few other clerics to help. If we have eonough we can even do 2 groups. We will follow this with class "classes" and build "classes" and would love for like minded peeps to help. So, who's with us?