Hey Sarlonians.
Crate and Barrel Smashing LLC put together a shroud the other night at level (15-18) and it was one of the smoother runs I've been in until the lag monster showed up in part 4. We actually blitzed through the first three parts (the DPS very pretty solid) and dropped the lieutenants about as quickly as I have ever seen them go down.
So, in the spirit of that run (and in an effort to take less than an hour to fill the group this time) I'd like to open it up to the people of the forums to join in and plan this ahead.
I'm looking to schedule the next run on Saturday night at about 10 PM EST, which gives three days from last night for anyone interested to clear timer. We have an assortment of toons in the 15-18 range that are flagged, and have two more nights and a day to get a few more flagged as well so we can easily provide a half-dozen or so characters of assorted classes.
If you are interested in joining, please PM me here with your character name, class and level and let me know if you're running your first shroud or not. If you'd prefer, send an in-game mail to Anarod. First-timers are not a problem, as long as you are coachable. We're always happy to help people along who might need it.
Applications will be accepted on a first come-first served basis, and if there is enough interest I will be happy to host multiple runs.
Anyone that joined up last time is, of course, welcome to come back. It was a great time, and it was nice to actually see experience for attuning altars.