I love the abbot raid and I want YOU to like the abbot raid, too. Also, I want abbot loot.
To further these ends, I will start a static abbot raid party. We will meet every sunday at 9 pm (UTC+1) and run the ascension chamber. In this group everyone is welcome, be it total noob or hardcore veteran. I will explain the raid and teach you how to do the puzzles so you can carry your knowledge into the world. Once again: I don't care if you suck or are new. The only criteria you need to fullfill is as follows:
a) Basic communication. You don't need to use voice chat, but I would very much like it if you gave basic feedback, especially when I explain your role.
b) Be flagged. This involves collecting all the sigil pieces and running the litany of the dead 4 times, each time killing a different boss.
That's all. If you are flagged for the abbot and not braindead, congratulations, you're welcome in my group We will run the abbot with a full group and if we fail, we fail. There's no need for any kind of fear or shame. I am doing this with the express goal of helping others learn the raid.
The first run will be this sunday. In case there's interest I may lead another party on wednesdays.
Static abbot at 9pm UT+1 on sunday run by Daerl. Everyone welcome, raid will be explained. Come one, come all, everyone accepted.