I have read several threads about people posting about certain things and what can be done to fix them. Some issues that come to mind include the auction house (search was a great added feature, but the AH could use more work), 20th completion for raids/quests (big one for me), ransacking a chest XX amount of times (and still not receiving an item), etc.
My main question is not what can be done to fix these things, but why haven't they been fixed yet? Unless I just don't understand coding more, these issues can be easily fixed and should be fixed, because a majority of the DDO population agree they need to be fixed.
Is it because Turbine has other priorities that need more attention? Maybe it is because if these were fixed, items would be much easier to obtain? Or perhaps the coding really is more advanced and takes more time to do?
Why do you think these haven't been fixed?
My first thread like this so please be easy on me!