I was on a elite shourd this night, just for fun, i have done elite shroud a long time ago (with nearly all my alts).
I was on my cleric Immortel-1 (2rogue/2pala/16cleric).
Every thing goes well until part 3-4.
I was regenning mana in pool in part 3 then run to portail to go to part 4 and all the group have clear trash, other cleric was close to 0 mana, boss was coming realling soon and i said ' why didnt u wait me to regen mana?".
They accuse me ' it s not time to craft, craft at end...." and i was just regening mana in part 3 pool.
If u do a elite shourd, and dont have the patience to wait ur cleric regening mana, then accuse him to being crafting, u have missed something!
I have said "if u cant wait the cleric, it s that u dont need me, bb" and leave.
Some people are upset about that.
I have no regret.
And will never have.
PQ: in fact i hate to be rude, for me the game is have fun, be good, and be NICE! i could have easily just go on, drink a lot of pots and do it well until end....... but people dont wait, then accuse me, is too much to just say "nvm i go on", the only thing hard (not really hard but ressoucres intensive) in elite shroud is healing part, have a few respect for u healer that accept to join ur elite pug sounds a basis for me !
For ur blacklist : Uman-1 / Menta-1 / Immortel-1 / Amnu / Vieuxsage / Bhouda / Amelune / Camarde / Immortel / Malfonction .... and a few other