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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Pricecheck questions

    First of all, what is the going price for Icy Burst kits? I really want that but currently I'm still poor due to still being a newbie in this awesome game.

    Second, I have a +5 Mithral Full Plate sitting in my bank, that I would like to sell, but I don't know the price to sell for. If I use the Auction House estimates, it would be somewhere around 80-100k, but I think that is a bit inflated. Am I wrong?

    If any on you guys want to buy the full plate, or sell me an Icy Burst kit(If I have the money), feel free to leave a comment here or mail me ingame at Crimsoni or Crimioni.

    P.S. I'm not online as often as I would like to be, so I prefer mails then tells, if you feel the price to post a mail is too much, (wow really? there are people out there who think that?) I would be more then happy to send you however much it costs. (1 silver?)

  2. #2
    Community Member Ybbald's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    your AH price sounds about right. If you sell over the /trade chat, lower the price 25% to account for auction house tax (tax is really 30% but the other player is still paying less than AH)
    For the ice burst kits, wait until near the end of the festivult to buy them as prices will drop, Maybe not as much as you want them to, but they will. I think last time, you could get a kit for around 100k plat (maybe less) near the end. Right now a kit costs a whole lot more

  3. #3
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ybbald View Post
    For the ice burst kits, wait until near the end of the festivult to buy them as prices will drop, Maybe not as much as you want them to, but they will. I think last time, you could get a kit for around 100k plat (maybe less) near the end. Right now a kit costs a whole lot more
    But not until VERY end.

    I am willing to bet that on January 3 when time gets close to midnight, prices on all Risia items will shoot through the roof as people scramble to get their last-minute crafting. That's what happened with Mabar event.
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