:::::May be spoilers:::::: [[[[DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS]]]]]
I really liked these quests. They each offered something unique, whether it be cool visuals, gameplay options, or ways to die! (Big plus on new ways to die )
Note: I ran all of these quests 2 man with a guildy and we were both capped. So, this feedback is from the point of view of a capped toon, though they would be even more awesome at-level w/o me marching through them.
Quest 1: The scenery is awesome. The buildings are all burning/destroyed and the roaming boss makes the quest a little different each time. These add up to a visually stunning quest, well, that and the fact that the boss is swinging a blade barrier on a telephone poll for a weapon! I was definitely disappointed that there was an invisible boundary preventing me from single-handedly laying siege to Droaam. The best defense is a good offense! Let me at em! We've got trash adventurers (pugs ) to deal with these guys!
Quest 2: I love stealth quests. They offer something different from most quests and this one was great fun to sneak through. Sure, we could have blitzed through it and destroyed the mobs at-will, but that wasn't nearly as fun as hearing a wf monk scream over his mic when he went down with the ship! (He thought he could escape through a mine deployment shute...) Each ship offered a slightly different stealth challenge too. I really liked this one and the fact that you could do any ship in any order made it even more fun. Non-linearity in quests is a plus.
Quest 3: Any quest, raid, adventure, job, task, favor....where I'm given EXPLOSIVES and let loose on some baddies is a great quest in my opinion!!! This is another quest where it would have been much easier to simply blitz through, but by attempting to sneak through and "blow 'em the f--- up!" it became so much more fun. "(Combat): You suffer a total of 1,220 points of damage from Demolishing Explosion after 28 were blocked by energy resistance." As my scientific tests will show you, demo charges hurt... And..HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THAT WAS A HUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEE ELEMENTAL!!!! ....but we blowed him up....(for science)..... I was extremely disappointed in the fact that we couldn't demo charge the boss to death (realistically), because they barely scratched his hps. I felt it would have been awesome to allow for a 1 hit kill if you were able to plant a demo charge right near him and remain unnoticed like I did. It takes far more effort to stealth the quest and use the demo charges for your offense, but having the straight up beat down a kobold at the end felt anti-climactic. Lastly, the boulder was awesome!! It missed me! (READ: "I failed to scientifically test the effects of a large boulder on a halfling monk...")
Quest 4: This was definitely another great quest. The optionals are all cool and make sense for someone trying to fight invaders. On our first run...(I got excited and threw my returning shuriken at "the biggest explosive barrel [I've] ever seen..." and more than just the shuriken came back...yeah...BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!)
On our SECOND run we elected to make the barrel go boom from a little bit further back. Blowing up mobs never gets old! Especially when one update allows for so many ways to do it! Fireball got old in like 2006! The optionals are all appropriate for trying to stop an invasion: poisoning their water supply w/fecal matter , destroying their food (read: breaking MORE boxes, but now with purpose!), killing a kobold (apparently DDO takes place during the kobold holocaust...why do they stick around there again??? ), and of course killing the cook.... (still cool) Anyway, fighting the medusa's w/o mirrors to instantly take care of them is much more fun.
Lastly, the end fight ended up being one of the more awesome end fights in the game. The boss isn't really tough, but having to solve the puzzle to make her vulnerable was definitely a change-up from the norm we're used to (aside from abbot, but this is a little different from that). The final part of the fight was the MOST AWESOME THING I'VE SEEN ON DDO IN YEARS!!! (Have you ever seen how fast monks can run??? How about WF monks??? How about WF monks being chased by rust monster riding ogres????) ...Lights...Camera....ACTION!! I'm glad we have push-to-talk, because I'd have destroyed his ear drums when I began laughing histerically upon seeing him charge the portal only to end up frantically running circles around the chamber with the "Droaam Cavalry" chasing him! Don't run this quest w/o at least 1 WF sacrifice for the end!! Words truly cannot describe how great that moment was for me. Oh and the named loot was good too. It won't be anything amazing for many of us vets who are loaded with race required greater banes and stat items, but for newer players it's definitely an upgrade over random loot.