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Thread: Barmix

  1. #1
    Community Member Aussielegend's Avatar
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    Mar 2009

    Default Barmix

    well a few people would have met my test build barmix around and had a few dealings with him =p some maybe good some maybe bad.

    Im coming up on his second TR soon and am wondering as the whole past life given barb feat is alot like a practical or rather impractical joke.

    would it be worth taking a lesser tr for either the rogue or the fvs levels instead as the past life? and what does everyone think?

    those that know the build would be epsecially helpfull but open to suggestions
    Last edited by Aussielegend; 12-05-2010 at 08:19 AM. Reason: cause i have fat fingers big hands and im trying to use a laptop

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