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  1. #1
    Community Member MrStinky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default advice. want to tr my rogue to fvs.

    Hello, i was hoping to get some advice on wether or not to tr my uber rogue who duel weilds gs radII khopeshes to a wf fvs. I would obviously like to use the khopeshes, but want to be able to heal well enough to be main healer to if need be. I have not played a fvs so im not sure this can be done. I might be asking too much, but with the extra build points from tr it might be possible. I would also like to have a high intim. Can someone please tell me if this is possible.

  2. #2
    Community Member Theodores's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Well... maybe you would be in a better start with elf or human than WF. But if you really want it, here what i think.

    So you would go for 4 feats with twf, Itwf, Gtwf and kopesh. that would let 3 feats for healing capability, wich is really thin.

    so for the stats...

    Str: 16
    Dex: 16
    Con 16
    Wis: 6
    Int: 10
    Cha: 12

    That would be for WF. the starting stats aren't so thin but the feats would be really tough.

    On my lotb, i have Power attack, extend, quicken, maximise, empower healing, Ic: slashing, toughness. I think i could drop extend, maximise and IC: slashing (if only using min II greatsword.)

    So what i would do, but i don't think you would heal as good as any other fvs (who don't have nearly as much combat feats as you)

    EP: kopesh
    Power attack
    Empower healing

    But to say the truth, i would go with human way more than WF. The extra feat let you have IC: slashing or maximise. And you can pump up Wisdom while dropping strenght and dex of 1 point to have worthwhile BB while using your kopeshes.

    Hope this helps a bit. (would have done a bigger post but i must go to work now :P)

  3. #3
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    I agree with going human. I would also go with an 18/2 FVS/Monk build if you want to do melee. Extra feats and evasion will help immensely. You will lose out on 3 or 4 spells, and on the capstone, but will keep everything else you need. There are a few builds out there already like this, most of them elf, but you can cross it over easy enough.

  4. #4
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Forget about intim unless you are planning on splashing a class with intim (probably fighter, given how short on feats you'll be), even if you can dig up the spare skillpoints for it, being capped at 11.5 at level 20 as a pure FvS means you won't be able to get intim high enough to do anything.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

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