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  1. #1
    Community Member Tom_Hunters's Avatar
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    Default Sugguestions on last feat

    Hi all I have a cleric near lvl 18 soon, so just want to check what my last feat shall be

    I am not the melee type (born with 8 str only), so i guess healing with the offensive casting type is more favorable

    with a +6 wis item my wis is around 33 before guild buffs

    and the buffs i took are empower heal, extend, maximize, quicken, spell pen, mental toughness, improved mental toughness

    shall I get heighten or greater spell pen for the last feat? Or maybe some spell school focus?

    Or shall I get both heighten and greater spell pen, and swap away improved mental toughness?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery whomhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom_Hunters View Post
    Or shall I get both heighten and greater spell pen, and swap away improved mental toughness?
    This is what I would do in your situation. You'll be getting a massive amount of SP from these next few cleric levels, drastically reducing the already relatively low benefit of the mental toughness feat. If you can swing it, I'd drop mental toughness as well in exchange for Empower.

  3. #3
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    I would definitely get heighten to answer your initial question. I would also recommend you swap out both mental touighness and improved mental thoughness and take different feats depending on how you play your chracter:

    First before any others, have you taken a toughness (not mental) feat? I would recommend that first, but assuming you already have that feat then:

    greater spell pen and a spell focus feat if you like to offensive cast (destruction, slay living, greater command, and implosion are all good examples).

    empower for killer blade barriers, when in heal mode turn it off as your empower heals will be fine

    greater spell pen and empower if youd like to be offensive both in terms of cc and instakill spells as well as damaging spells such as harm, comeftall, blade barrier, defeic vengeance, etc
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  4. #4
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    Core feats for a low-STR offensive caster include maximize, quicken, heighten, spell pen, and (for radiant servant) empower healing. Almost as important would be empower, extend, toughness, improved spell pen, and a spell focus feat (perhaps evo although this would vary depending on your playstyle).

    The mental toughness feats have some value, and can be worth taking on builds that aren't feat-starved. But your focus as an OC will be hitting hard enough to prevent damage from being dealt to your allies in the first place. That's another way of conserving SP -- or at least can be once you have some practice with the build -- but one side effect of boosting your offensive capabilities is a build that no longer has room for MT/IMT.

  5. #5
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    Like DBR said, take a Toughness. Dead clerics have low DC's.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'd dump MT/IMT to pick up Toughness, Greater Spell Pen and Heighten. You'll land spells more often, thus saving you SP in the long run. Plus you'll have more HP overall, which means you won't overheal yourself when you take damage.
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  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Yeah, I'd dump MT/IMT to pick up Toughness, Greater Spell Pen and Heighten. You'll land spells more often, thus saving you SP in the long run. Plus you'll have more HP overall, which means you won't overheal yourself when you take damage.

    that would be exactly my advice

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    If it comes down to heighten and grt spell pen...definitely hieghten......who cares if you can break SR all the time if they are going to save anyways.

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