/rave on

Well i've just picked the wrong time to start this perma-death toon haven't I.

My first hard run on a Korthos quest and the client goes unresponsive when i've one more enemy to kill, i'm still in quest, and sweating blood that when i log back in my new character will be dead in quest. I was lucky, when i relogged my character was alive out in Korthos village.

So i think, mmm, i'll do a little explorer to calm down a bit.

Ba-bow, wrong. I get 3 major lag spikes (your connection with the chat server has been lost, your connection with the chat server has been re-established) one of which occured 1/2 way through a fight, i was lucky to escape with my life on that one.

In the end i didn't have the nerve to continue, i recalled out, and shut her down for the night.

Is it Maybar? Maybe i should just play my normal super overpowered raid looted, TR'd and back again toons that don't mind dying till Maybar is over, death is nothing usually, it happens, but, not now! Not when i've just started perma-death!


Coit out~ /rave off