In the hopes of adding more flavor to the Orckish culture I give you the Orkish days of the week.
YURTRUS (Sunday): Named for Orc god of death and the underworld.
SHARGAAS (Monday): Named for Orc god of the night and rogues.
ILNEVAL (Tuesday): Named for the Orc god of war.
GRUUMSH (Wednesday): Named for the one-eyed Orc god who looks back into the past and forward towards the future.
BAGHTRU (Thursday): Named for the Orc god of strength.
LUTHIC (Friday): Named for the Orc goddess of healing.
UDU (Saturday): Named for the number seven in the Black Speech of Orcs.
Orc gods from left to right: Baghtru, Ilneval, Gruumsh, Shagraas, Yurtrus, foreground Luthic.