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Thread: WSS vs Ninja

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default WSS vs Ninja

    I'm making a WF tempest (1rog/xrng/ymnk) and debating either to splash 3 into monk and go light side and WSS or splash 6 into monk and go dark side.

    The big different being only 13 ranger and using short sword with 2 extra feats or 16 ranger, long sword, and no feats. One of the extra feats would go to IC slashing which might make up for the damage different of short sword versus long sword.

    Never done a dark side but I find light side buffs very useful. Input?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hmm. The Power Attack enhancements available to Warforged would have me lean more towards handwraps than swords. Is there a particular reason you're planning on WSS/ninja?

    If it's for particular weapon effects, then the ninja would have a faster attack rate and could get Improved Critical: Piercing for their shortswords

    Healing amp on a longsword is also an option, but the main appeal of a 16 ranger/3 monk split to me would be the support buffs. You could also pass out Freedom of Movement, however being Warforged you would have less to benefit from it.

    Might also consider 12 ranger and 7 Monk for +10% healing amp

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I feel like only take 3 or 6 levels in monk handwraps are no longer viable as the fist damage just won't compare to GS weapon.

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