To prevent people from jumping other people and running up top before the other person can get them back, can we have these changes?
1) If you die, you appear ressed (as if you clicked OK already no HP or SP still) on the ledge.
2) If you kill somebody, you have to stay in the pit for another 30 seconds (or die) before leaving.
3) When they try to leave, an invisible wall blocks them until the last second.
4) When drinking an SP pot or eating food, you gain the first influx of SP or HP immediately.
Me: "Oh man I just got ganked but I'm back up top they better be ready for this. Lol @ Manyshot timer."
*Sip. Gets SP right away, goes down.*
Them: "Noooooo he got me back!"
Instead of:
Me: "They freaking jumped me again while I was messing with whats-his-face!"
*Runs up slower than Them, goes up ladder with Them. Clicks OK.*
(Emote): Them laughs at Me.