I just created a WF dark monk and it is quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever done (outside of the reverse layup in basketball today)... the only sad thing is his outfit. Wearing armor (I know docents are different but it LOOKS like armor) makes me the sad time in my pantaloons.
I could have sworn I had seen WF monks with flowing robes, mullets ablaze with the fury of the metal gods of the 80s, somewhere in the distance an elven bard plays styx as the ogres stand rapt before the inevitable onslaught, but when I spammed general chat to both sell my winter boots and to ask how I would go about getting a sweet robe, I was scorned, then insulted, and possibly murdered, I'll never know.
Anyway, to the devs, a cry from a recovering altaholic... please, PLZ give us Warforged monks a way to wear monk outfits, so we can stop the charade, running around looking like barehand barbarians (I typed bearhand barbarians first, sounds like a sweet band name) and show our true selves...
Thank you
(PS - if there is a way to robe a WF up let me know that too, even making it LOOK like a robe is good enough)