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The primary goals for this build is to be an "all out" Dps machine.
it isnt all out dps yet
as others have mentioned, if you want to max out your skill, take the fighter levels first then the 2nd rogue and barb levels. you also do not have greater weapon spec which means you lack the ability to get kensai II. drop 1 toughness to get it
Racial Toughness IV
Barbarian Con II
Fighter Toughness
Warforged Con II
Con item
+2 Tome
ToD Ring
too much emphasis on hp leaving you with limited APs. dropping toughness 4 x 2 will net u 8APs to spend on more important stuff
Stunning Blow Dc:
+10 Base
+10 weapon
+3 racial tactics (will find room for them)
+2 kensai
+3 fighter
+20 50 strength 18+5+7+3+4+3+4+6=50
38/48 stunning blow dc with max theoretical gear. (no potions used)
theoretically if you sacrifice in other areas. going by what is listed, you have no room for racial tactics which are really expensive at 12 APs
last but not least, the issue of "all out dps". its extremely misleading as this toon isnt fitted for all out dps
Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Freenzied Berserker I
Enhancement: Kensei Greataxe Mastery II
Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
Enhancement: Fighter Greataxe Specialization II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness IV
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
if you were to fit it with kensai, this is how it the majority of your enhancements would look like (i followed as closely as i could). so how is this not "all out" dps? simple. all these cost 76 APs, you have only 4 left and these are the dps enhancements you have not taken
1. fighter haste boost 4 (10 APs)
2. barb PA 2 (2 APs)
3. barb power rage 2 (2 APs)
4. rogue SA training 1 (1 AP)
5. WF PA 3 (6 APs)
also if you noticed, there is no healer's friend which means divine healers will find you a mana sponge