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Thread: TR from Barb

  1. #1
    Community Member tibi6893's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Default TR from Barb

    My first monk character, so i need advice.
    Im want to tr my fb brb onto a monk. I will select dwarf as race, all my char dwarf .
    I think the 10hp free feat not bad, and the pickupable not bad too (hp- maybe new toughness? and rage..).

    Some1 can help me to design a build for dwarf,34 point?

  2. #2
    Community Member Ssmooth's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    You can use this a a base-line/reference if you choose. Probably one of the more solid builds for dps monk out there.
    Bjornegar, Bloodtrail, Chronogear, Clarkk, Flied, Nugente, Soulgear, Ssmooth, Throrin

  3. #3
    Community Member tibi6893's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Community Member Halock's Avatar
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    Um, not a dwarf fan myself, however, you can basically copy any WF monk build and things will work out alright.

    Get enough dex to be able to qualify for all the TWF feats, con and str after that ( recommend enough con to get teir 4 earth stance ) if you have any left over points, which is unlikely, drop them in wis, or swap the wis and str priority if you're a fan of spamming finishers and want the best stunning fist dc possible, dwarf monks can get quite high dc's on that, like mid 40's or so, pretty much guarantee stuns every 6 seconds.

    That it off the top of my head, check other WF builds as i said, their very close to what a dwarf build would go for.

  5. #5
    Community Member tibi6893's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Halock View Post
    Um, not a dwarf fan myself, however, you can basically copy any WF monk build and things will work out alright.

    Get enough dex to be able to qualify for all the TWF feats, con and str after that ( recommend enough con to get teir 4 earth stance ) if you have any left over points, which is unlikely, drop them in wis, or swap the wis and str priority if you're a fan of spamming finishers and want the best stunning fist dc possible, dwarf monks can get quite high dc's on that, like mid 40's or so, pretty much guarantee stuns every 6 seconds.

    That it off the top of my head, check other WF builds as i said, their very close to what a dwarf build would go for.
    Ty for reply, can give me a link for that build?
    Im see not 1 wf build on forum and i want that u said.
    edit: what u think, the past life barb feat worth it?
    1hp/level and a rage.hmmm
    Last edited by tibi6893; 09-05-2010 at 03:19 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Slowe's Avatar
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    Warforged Monk builds usually put no points in Wisdom, which I wouldn't recommend on a Dwarf, as it's such a good race for a stunning oriented Monk.

    Here's my proposal:

    16 Str + 5 levelups
    15 Dex
    16 Con
    16 Wis

    1 - TWF
    1(Mnk) - Dodge
    2(Mnk) - Stunning Fist
    3 - Barb Past Life
    6 - Stunning Blow
    6(Mnk) - Toughness
    9 - Imp TWF
    12 - Power Attack
    15 - Greater TWF
    18 - Imp Crit: Bludgeon

    Grandmaster Fire, Earth, Water
    Ninja Spy and all it's prereqs, Crane animal path
    Monk Wisdom 2
    Dwarf Tactics 3
    Touch of Death and all its prereqs
    Racial Toughness 2

    This way you'll have 24 wisdom in Fire Stance for a 40 DC stunning fist - add exceptional wisdom 1 and either one of these: guild buff, litany, +3 tome or a +7 item and it's 41, which is excellent for any high level content, especially since stunning is your secondary focus. And if you're having problems with stunning something with a ridiculous fort save (like some Trolls) you can switch to water stance for 44 dc, add a yugo pot for a 45 dc and hardly anything anywhere can save against your stun - and that's a huge contribution - much more than 2 extra str and 2 con can get you, which you would get by copying the WF builds.

    Stunning Blow isn't as impressive with only 37 dc with madstone and rage, 38 with yugo pot, but you can use it against casters and other low fort save monsters - if it proves to be too unreliable for your taste, replace it with an extra Toughness.

  7. #7
    Community Member tibi6893's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowe View Post
    Warforged Monk builds usually put no points in Wisdom, which I wouldn't recommend on a Dwarf, as it's such a good race for a stunning oriented Monk.

    Here's my proposal:

    16 Str + 5 levelups
    15 Dex
    16 Con
    16 Wis

    1 - TWF
    1(Mnk) - Dodge
    2(Mnk) - Stunning Fist
    3 - Barb Past Life
    6 - Stunning Blow
    6(Mnk) - Toughness
    9 - Imp TWF
    12 - Power Attack
    15 - Greater TWF
    18 - Imp Crit: Bludgeon

    Grandmaster Fire, Earth, Water
    Ninja Spy and all it's prereqs, Crane animal path
    Monk Wisdom 2
    Dwarf Tactics 3
    Touch of Death and all its prereqs
    Racial Toughness 2

    This way you'll have 24 wisdom in Fire Stance for a 40 DC stunning fist - add exceptional wisdom 1 and either one of these: guild buff, litany, +3 tome or a +7 item and it's 41, which is excellent for any high level content, especially since stunning is your secondary focus. And if you're having problems with stunning something with a ridiculous fort save (like some Trolls) you can switch to water stance for 44 dc, add a yugo pot for a 45 dc and hardly anything anywhere can save against your stun - and that's a huge contribution - much more than 2 extra str and 2 con can get you, which you would get by copying the WF builds.

    Stunning Blow isn't as impressive with only 37 dc with madstone and rage, 38 with yugo pot, but you can use it against casters and other low fort save monsters - if it proves to be too unreliable for your taste, replace it with an extra Toughness.

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