Right, so I've just re rolled my str based human monk (which was a good idea I mean, str based monk was a bad one haha) because giving up all that ac for negligible dps was not worth it...at all.
So now I need advice on a current build which I think is very balanced and will do well end game.
My starting stats are:
(32 point build)
Str 14 (mayby 1 in here)
Dex 16 (2-3 stats in here)
Con 16 (2 in here)
Char 8
Int 8
Wis 16
I'm going for grandmaster wind and earth, but will be in wind most of them time(only getting earth for ki strikes)
Now I'm going be taking all the TWF feats and bludgeon line as well as weapon finesse, oh and dodge.
As far as the other feats go I don't really know maybe toughness.
thank you in advance.