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  1. #1
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default UMD - please tell me whether my thoughts on this are sound

    Ok - everyone - everyone - everyone puts skill points in UMD.....This started as a post asking why because I hadn't ever thought it through. As I looked through the other possible skills I figured out why.

    It starts with the fact that most of the forum is end game focused. So if you never get a character past L10 the answer IS different for you because your UMD will never be worthwhile. For anyone who aims to L20 and staying there for a while to grind for gear and to feed your Alts....then UMD is one of few choices.

    If you only get one Skill point - I personally lean to balance first since I hate being on my ass in a fight. If you get 2 points then UMD comes next. Three or more you are likely an evasion type rogue splash and then you have alot of spots for your skill points to which I will not comment.

    A review of the skills - with comments from a Pure Pally POV

    Bluff - maybe for a dedicated soloist to mid levels but only if you have backstabbing weapons
    Balance - like I said first skill point goes here IMO but there are items so I can see the argument to go UMD first.
    Concentration - Class skill but you aren't often casting mid-fight - it'll be LoH and then back to hacking away - you are a top up healer at best and not healing at all even better as you us SP for buffing yourself
    Diplomacy - rarely is a Pally every going to want to shed aggro
    Disable Device - no/no/no - pure Pally remember
    Haggle - max ~25% bonus not worth it (I believe its 2.5%/point at 10max points)
    Heal - use wands/pots - useless skill in general
    Hide - look in the mirror - you can't sneak in heavy armor
    Intimidate - 30-40 at endgame likely not effective - fact or opinion?)
    Jump - only situationally for a Pally helpful but pots and clickies can help
    Listen - kinda helpful so monsters don't sneak up on you - but with Fortification you should be able to take any first strike against you
    Move Silently - see Hide x2
    Open Lock - no/no/no
    Perform - what... open heart surgery on a demon? Otherwise, no.
    Repair - if this was for your weapons and armor fine otherwise - see heal.
    Search - what are rogues for - see listen tho
    Spot - see Listen
    Tumble - 1 point is all you need

    Which leaves UMD really its more of a point that nothing else is worth the point so go with UMD and then you get (nod goes to Junts for his summaries in a few builds)

    11 skill points
    8-10 for Cha Bonus
    6 Cha skills (Green Steel)
    24 which should cover alot of RR

    Add buffs and 6 fingered gloves and you are up to mid to low 30s and you can Raise dead all the time and Heal most of the time - an epic item and you are 100% Healing

    Note the counter arguments:

    BUT Raise dead shouldn't be an issue - get a few clickies and if a Paladin has to raise more than 2-3 times in a quest then this will not be the reason the quest/raid fails. These clickies will come easier than any epic items.

    AND for Heal Scrolls - maybe if you are soloing alot - but 3-4 LoH and an Unyielding Sov. plus pots and wands and you should be standing in most situations. In raids the mass heals should be sufficient to keep you up. If a quest fails because you aren't healing - it was going to fail anyway.

    RR restrictions - there is no other way around that except to wait for gear that is good for you. But most RR is bypassed by grind/epic gear at that point anyway.

    But since no other skill really stands out as better -UMD is #2 on my list.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  2. #2
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Right, for crossclass takers, it's more of an end-game goal.
    And there's not a lot of skill options, so it's easy to dump other things to get it.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  3. #3
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    for chars with a considerable cha investment, just cross-classing umd in addition to a possible skill focus will mean you hit cure wands by like lv 10 and that you are able to UMD rr gear by about level 6.

    That can really make it worthwhile.

    A paladin/sorc who does take skill focus will often out-umd rogues of comparable level because of their charisma bonus for a while.

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