Here is my attempt at a halfling fighter build. The goal is good DPS along with decent self-sufficiency through the dragonmark of healing as opposed to grinding for UMD gear. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome for improving the build with this theme in mind.
True Neutral Halfling Fighter 20
Str 16 +5 boosts
Dex 16 +1 tome at 3rd
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 8
Cha 8
Balance 11.0
Jump 1
1 Least Drgaonmark of Healing
1f Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
2f Weapon Focus: Slashing
3 Toughness
4f Weapon Specialization: Slashing
6 Lesser Dragonmark of Healing
6f Two Weapon Fighting
8f Improved Critical: Slashing
9 Greater Dragonmark of Healing
10f Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
12 Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12f Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
14f Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15 Power Attack
16f Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing
18 Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
18f Quick Draw
20 Stunning Blow
Extra Dragonmark Use III (6)
Fighter Attack Boost III (6)
Fighter Critical Accuracy III (6)
Fighter Haste Boost III (6)
Fighter Kensei III (8)
Fighter Khopesh Mastery III (6)
Fighter Khopesh Specialization II (3)
Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III (6)
Fighter Strength III (12)
Fighter Toughness III (6)
Fighter Weapon Alacrity (2)
Halfling Cunning II (3)
Halfling Guile II (3)
Halfling Luck (Reflex) I (1)
Halfling Luck (Will) II (3)
Racial Toughness II (3)