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Thread: PVP, Potential?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default PVP, Potential?

    I personally think this game has potential for pvp. It has the skill based mechanics for it, with aiming, blocking, dodging and all, and it could be something like savage 2, if anyone's played that. It would require an overhaul, but i do have a few ideas.

    Idea 1. Keep PVP and PVE separate.
    I've seen a few people complaining that trying to balance pvp will unbalance the pve game. This somewhat simple idea will change that. Once you enter a pvp zone (arena, lobster barfight), your skills and feats change so that they are balanced for pvp. Once you leave that area, your abilities go back into pve mode, allowing turbine to keep pvp and pve balance separate.

    Idea 2. Emphasize skill.
    Probably the most major change for pvp that i'd like to see would be removal of all luck. When you attack a player, no d20 will be rolled, your weapon will deal a set amount of damage, and it will only miss if someone blocks at the just the right time or dodges. Blocking would reduce damage dependant on the time between the attack and when the block started. If you block very quickly, you will negate all damage. If you held block for a bit more time, you take a reduced amount of damage. Also, i'd like to see the removal of influence of gear. Different classes of weapons will do different amounts of damage and attack speeds, like a falchion won't do as much damage as a greatsword, but will attack faster. But no matter what enhancements you have on your weapon, they will do the same as a basic class of that weapon. Also, when you enter this pvp mode, you automatically get the same stats as others for your class of your level, your gear not influencing you, though the feats will still take effect, allowing for some measure of customisation.

    I'd like to see what you guys think. Please give constructive criticism on this, saying what you think could be improved.

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    so you want to create an entire new game just for the sake of pvp

    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  3. #3
    Community Member HallowedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    so you want to create an entire new game just for the sake of pvp

    Actually this is a good idea. The PvP will still be something pretty much like a Fight Club into the bars and the main game, the more important, wouldn't be affected.

    Although most of the times PvP is filled with idiotic people who wants to brag about how god they are, it can also be a form of healthy competition. You know, sometimes beating up monsters who drown themselves on lava can become rather boring.

    Everyone here knows how to use /squelch for when you meet of the bad people anyway. Hello Dispel, and you 0 filled DQs.
    "When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."

  4. #4
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    Actually this is a good idea. The PvP will still be something pretty much like a Fight Club into the bars and the main game, the more important, wouldn't be affected.

    Although most of the times PvP is filled with idiotic people who wants to brag about how god they are, it can also be a form of healthy competition. You know, sometimes beating up monsters who drown themselves on lava can become rather boring.

    Everyone here knows how to use /squelch for when you meet of the bad people anyway. Hello Dispel, and you 0 filled DQs.
    it might be a good idea but its still an entire differant game
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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    o o

  5. #5
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    In terms of reason ability this is probably the only semi-viable concept for PVP, However in terms of development time, it is also the longest, and the fact is turbine sucks at multitasking, meaning either 1. PVP would never get ballanced or 2. PVE content would be set back several months for them to set up PVP

  6. #6
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
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    One of the great thing about D&D based games, (yes DDO is one)
    is building characters. The choices and sacrifices of your build to get
    it where you want it. Your proposed criteria washes away "my" build
    to equate it with every other built in the tavern.
    To what end? This has little to do with building characters, and skills.
    What your asking for is an arcade style game for the purposes of pvp.
    This has little to do with DDO period.



  7. #7
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    Yeah, i guess i should have excpected this. I guess it is just wishful thinking. I probably should have thought of the repercussions of this first. I probably shouldn't have thought of any ideas at midnight. It still would be nice to see. I guess i just wanted to see a better pvp mechanic in this because the combat mechanic in this would in my opinion work better with pvp than in other games. Ah well, flame all you want. 99% of good ideas from the community wouldn't make it into the main game anyway, no matter what game you are playing.

  8. #8
    Community Member xanvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angrytemplar View Post
    Yeah, i guess i should have excpected this. I guess it is just wishful thinking. I probably should have thought of the repercussions of this first. I probably shouldn't have thought of any ideas at midnight. It still would be nice to see. I guess i just wanted to see a better pvp mechanic in this because the combat mechanic in this would in my opinion work better with pvp than in other games. Ah well, flame all you want. 99% of good ideas from the community wouldn't make it into the main game anyway, no matter what game you are playing.
    Keep thinking of ideas. With enough discussion these ideas can turn into great ideas. Then with a little luck they could get implemented into the game. Sure a very small portion of the players care about PvP, but perhaps if it is improved more people would enjoy it.

    For the record, I hate the idea of PvP in a DnD based game. It takes away from the flavor of what I see as DnD.
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  9. #9
    Community Member sirdanile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angrytemplar View Post
    I personally think this game has potential for pvp. It has the skill based mechanics for it, with aiming, blocking, dodging and all, and it could be something like savage 2, if anyone's played that. It would require an overhaul, but i do have a few ideas.

    Idea 1. Keep PVP and PVE separate.
    I've seen a few people complaining that trying to balance pvp will unbalance the pve game. This somewhat simple idea will change that. Once you enter a pvp zone (arena, lobster barfight), your skills and feats change so that they are balanced for pvp. Once you leave that area, your abilities go back into pve mode, allowing turbine to keep pvp and pve balance separate.

    Idea 2. Emphasize skill.
    Probably the most major change for pvp that i'd like to see would be removal of all luck. When you attack a player, no d20 will be rolled, your weapon will deal a set amount of damage, and it will only miss if someone blocks at the just the right time or dodges. Blocking would reduce damage dependant on the time between the attack and when the block started. If you block very quickly, you will negate all damage. If you held block for a bit more time, you take a reduced amount of damage. Also, i'd like to see the removal of influence of gear. Different classes of weapons will do different amounts of damage and attack speeds, like a falchion won't do as much damage as a greatsword, but will attack faster. But no matter what enhancements you have on your weapon, they will do the same as a basic class of that weapon. Also, when you enter this pvp mode, you automatically get the same stats as others for your class of your level, your gear not influencing you, though the feats will still take effect, allowing for some measure of customisation.

    I'd like to see what you guys think. Please give constructive criticism on this, saying what you think could be improved.
    1. Yes.

    2. I wouldnt implement it like that, only change some of the more broken pvp things like pws.
    Also I would like them to not focus on making pvp different and instead spend all efforts into the pve game, it's already a fun diversion every now and then regardless.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Zippo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angrytemplar View Post
    I personally think this game has potential for pvp. It has the skill based mechanics for it, with aiming, blocking, dodging and all, and it could be something like savage 2, if anyone's played that. It would require an overhaul, but i do have a few ideas.

    Idea 1. Keep PVP and PVE separate.
    I've seen a few people complaining that trying to balance pvp will unbalance the pve game. This somewhat simple idea will change that. Once you enter a pvp zone (arena, lobster barfight), your skills and feats change so that they are balanced for pvp. Once you leave that area, your abilities go back into pve mode, allowing turbine to keep pvp and pve balance separate.

    Idea 2. Emphasize skill.
    Probably the most major change for pvp that i'd like to see would be removal of all luck. When you attack a player, no d20 will be rolled, your weapon will deal a set amount of damage, and it will only miss if someone blocks at the just the right time or dodges. Blocking would reduce damage dependant on the time between the attack and when the block started. If you block very quickly, you will negate all damage. If you held block for a bit more time, you take a reduced amount of damage. Also, i'd like to see the removal of influence of gear. Different classes of weapons will do different amounts of damage and attack speeds, like a falchion won't do as much damage as a greatsword, but will attack faster. But no matter what enhancements you have on your weapon, they will do the same as a basic class of that weapon. Also, when you enter this pvp mode, you automatically get the same stats as others for your class of your level, your gear not influencing you, though the feats will still take effect, allowing for some measure of customisation.

    I'd like to see what you guys think. Please give constructive criticism on this, saying what you think could be improved.

    This game is not made for PvP, never has should never be. What you are suggesting is a major overhaul of the basic game mechanics for the sake of PvP in a game where most people are here in part because of the lack of the typical PvP crowd. Arguably no development time should be spent on PvP until: in no specific order

    A) any and all bugs are weeded out and fixed
    B) lag problems are solved
    C) All requested classes are implemented in game, all with proper bug testing and QA done for release
    D) Currently requested spells are identified and implemented properly, all with proper bug testing and QA done for release
    E) Ample quests are designed for all level ranges bug tested and QA'd for proper release on live servers
    F) Nat Gann is released
    G) All currently requested races are properly implemented with bug testing and QA done for release
    H) I'm sure there are more but they are not coming to me atm so some feel free to add to the list.
    Last edited by Zippo; 07-03-2010 at 11:15 PM.
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    Hi welcome!

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