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  1. #1
    Community Member Resilian's Avatar
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    Default Rise of the Phoenix..worth it?

    I recently just respecced my enhancements so that I could pick of RotP and I have to say I didn't like the large AP cost to get to it. I traded off Monk Wisdom II, Halfling Guile II, and 2AP I could have saved for Monk Imp Recovery III next level. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    IMO, no. You can always craft Raise Dead clickies in Shroud without using any Large ingredients and spend those enhancement points on better things.

    Personally I'd find a way to take the whole Cunning/Guile line since it can account for a decent chunk of DPS, and on a monk you need all you can get.
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  3. #3
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirea View Post
    IMO, no. You can always craft Raise Dead clickies in Shroud without using any Large ingredients and spend those enhancement points on better things.

    Personally I'd find a way to take the whole Cunning/Guile line since it can account for a decent chunk of DPS, and on a monk you need all you can get.
    Agreed, AP cost too much for too little. Sure it comes in handy time to time, but for the AP cost its not that great

  4. #4
    Community Member Quijonsith's Avatar
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    For the longest time I've advocated using rise of the phoenix because it's available for emergencies more easily than other sources, but with the advent of U5 I've been contemplating my enhancements and I am thinking also that the AP investment for it is just too much. The only light side 'cure' I might keep is lesser restoration. It's the only one I consistently still use.
    Baaldon Draggins: 20 Halfling Monk; Krigen Skaptero: Monk Healing Amp Intimitank

  5. #5
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quijonsith View Post
    For the longest time I've advocated using rise of the phoenix because it's available for emergencies more easily than other sources, but with the advent of U5 I've been contemplating my enhancements and I am thinking also that the AP investment for it is just too much. The only light side 'cure' I might keep is lesser restoration. It's the only one I consistently still use.
    Why waste the APs? Just keep lesser restore pots handy...

    I like RotP as an ability, but it is like 12 AP's just to cast raise dead in emergencies. To hgeavy of a cost for contingencies... you can get raise dead clickies for planar shards too dont forget.

  6. #6
    Community Member Quijonsith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobeius View Post
    Why waste the APs? Just keep lesser restore pots handy...
    You say waste the AP, I say waste the money. Ki is renewable and I've already gone this long with having lesser restore. I'll already be freeing up the other AP. I haven't finalized my new AP plan but as effective as I am now I'll only get more so even if I keep lesser restore.
    Baaldon Draggins: 20 Halfling Monk; Krigen Skaptero: Monk Healing Amp Intimitank

  7. #7
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    I think it depends on how you play and where you are in the development of your monk.

    When you run solo its useless.

    When you run full groups its likely someone can rez with mana, so its only useful when the healer is dead and you have rez the healer, or choose to do so to save mana.

    I tend to run a lot of short groups with guildies and friends while leveling and before getting the rez clickie, I found RoTP and al of the pre-reqs to be very useful. Once I get to higher levels, I always respec and trade all of them out for more hit points, more to hit and more damage.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quijonsith View Post
    You say waste the AP, I say waste the money. Ki is renewable and I've already gone this long with having lesser restore. I'll already be freeing up the other AP. I haven't finalized my new AP plan but as effective as I am now I'll only get more so even if I keep lesser restore.
    Money is renewable. Lesser Restore potions are cheap by level 20, and worth the investment at level 9.

    Don't forget that if you become uncentered due to a ray of enfeeblement, you can't cast your own Lesser Restore and have to rely on someone else or potions to make your monk useful again.

  9. #9
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    I wasn't fond of the 50hp/50ki cost to use Rise of the Phoenix, nor was I fond of the overall AP cost. But, I run in a static 2-man party, so when we're doing things that are harder to 2-man, it constantly comes in handy. I figured when I'm level 20 and we're in larger groups, if it stops being useful, I can just respec my AP.

  10. #10
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Everything in the Rise of the Phoenix line is replaceable by potions/scrolls/spells.
    Lesser restoration, cure blindness, cure disease, etc. are all easily purchaseable as potions. Why waste 20+ ki when you can drink a pot you bought for 30 gold...

    And raise dead is something that a couple of classes can outright cast, and is something that anyone with decent UMD can cast. Not to mention shroud-items can have raise dead clickies on them.

    IMO, it's a terrible line and not worth the APs.
    If Rise of the Phoenix worked on oneself as well (which you'd think it would, given it's name...), then *maybe*. But even then it would be debateable.

    No, as mentioned above, save your APs for things such as guile/cunning to improve dps.
    And use your ki for elemental strikes rather than status cures you can fix with a potion.

  11. #11
    Community Member SickCat's Avatar
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    Seriously, if Rise could be cast by monks, on themselves, OR EVEN JUST OTHERS, when they were dead, it would be well worth spending all the AP's to get it...hell, give it a 1 hour CD or something...

    But yea, overall, even some of the pots you can buy can be used on others...I use my remove curse pots on other people all the time...why AP that ability? I used to have Rise...for the several months I had it, I think I used it twice, and both times the healer got to it right before I did...and then he had to heal the 50 points of health I just wasted. Now I have 2 GS raise clickies, and enough UMD to possibly pop a scroll.

    In this monk's opinion, it's not worth going for.
    -Qetsil / Sickcat / Dorktastic / Belir / Peachfuzz / Fysh / Sometime / Segment / Skwash / Pyg / Swetn / Smurfingly, And 2 nameless others
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  12. #12
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Like I said, if t a monk wants to run with RotP line of AP's, more power to them. However, monks already have a bad rap for low DPS and things, you want to hamstring your monk further for something you MIGHT use.

    Seriously, there is so many ways around the RotP line of AP's scrolls, pots, clickies, you dont really need to take it.

    Now if you are the tag along gimp of a party of friends you run with a lot, go ahead.

    12 ap's meaning you lose a lot fo your abilites in combat, and have you ever thought your lack of DPS is what killed the party?

  13. #13
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    I just keep a stack of rez scrolls handy and UMD them as needed. Rise is only useful, and barely at that, for a few levels while leveling, when you get stuck in a quest, where anyone that can raise is dead but you, and there isn't a shrine handy, and you don't want to suffer an XP penalty or restart, but don't mind suffering the XP penalty of having spent AP on raise that could have gone to DPS and getting quests done quicker instead and may have prevented the deaths in the first place.

  14. #14
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    None of the light moves are worth it. I would strongly advise investing the 12 enhancement points into other areas, perhaps even the Void Strike line as well.
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