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  1. #1
    Community Member picaisfun's Avatar
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    Default water is wet and

    I am so sick of the lag in this game. In Gianthold with a full group of level 13 and 14 heirlings wiped out by lag and contracts expire. I like to see how long I can keep the heirlings in my party not how fast I can go through TP. I wish they would do something to address the lag problem. Couldn't move and then dead. I bought a brand new computer with 8 gigs of ram to prevent this. Starting to feel like Turbine is just trying to make money on all the heirlings. Sick of it.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Bringing more than 1 hireling with you is a recipe for disaster, unless you need to park them on a pressure plate and forget about them (in which case use the lvl 1s as they are cheap).
    Star Firefall
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  3. #3
    Community Member Internetisrsbsn's Avatar
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    Lithic is right. Even one hireling can cause you to lag. Bringing 5 is asking to crash DDO.
    If you ever get stuck in the hay, you should an hero.

  4. #4
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Default And now... Mem's Poetry Corner

    Roses are red
    But dead flowers sag
    Devs, hear what is said
    And please fix the lag.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by picaisfun View Post
    I am so sick of the lag in this game. In Gianthold with a full group of level 13 and 14 heirlings wiped out by lag and contracts expire.
    I don't think I ever remember there not being lag in GH

  6. #6
    Community Member Fridas's Avatar
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    I'm lvl 14 and spent 1 hour in GH, that was enough for me. Its not worth it, IMO. I actually was getting sick trying to run straight or trying to turn. I have lag in all the wilderness areas, but GH is double that. I have no expectations or hope it will ever be different.

  7. #7
    Community Member IgorUnchained's Avatar
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    Gianthold is one of the best areas out there...without a doubt. That said, it isnt uncommon for me to spend around two minutes just zoning into the place. I experience lag more than most, and am confident that it is mostly due to my own limitations and not those of Turbine, but everyone I run with experiences the worst lag in GH (Shroud Raids aside).
    I know the hireling/lag issue has been beat to death, but I have run Orchard solo and I have run Orchard with a hireling (many times both ways) and it is pretty obvious to me that hirelings contribute to lag.
    Play True Neutral - Live Chaotic Good

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