My gut instinct is that Wind I + TWF longswords will still be lower DPS than TWF khopeshs on the Exploiter, Monster, etc. Even with the nerf to Tempest I, it's just really hard to overcome that x2 vs x3 crit multiplier difference. A number of folks, including me, have worked on builds which take advantage of monk self-healing thru Fists of Light + centered w/longswords + healing amp + Devotion for pretty spiffy free healing. Here's the
Solar Phoenix (paladin 12 / monk 7 / rogue 1); here's my own variant the
Tempest Phoenix (ranger 12 / monk 7 / rogue 1). The Solar will have higher saves and better healing amp; my build will have higher AC and a lot more skill points (I made it a trapmonkey, but one could spend those points elsewhere). I've also seen a couple of monk 6 / paladin 14 builds like Arlathen mentions: Wind II + Zeal sounds pretty spiffy.