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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Looking for a new guild

    My current guild is breaking up so I will be looking for a new group of great people. I am a casual player with a couple of lvl 20's I am equiping before TR, a couple in the teens that are experiments that seem to be doing well, and an eternally rolling list of builds under lvl 10 as I play with ideas and builds. I frequently give to newer players and the lowbies of guildies and in general I'm pretty laid back.

    I have not fixed my mic but can hear yours.

    If you are a good group of mature people, that have at least a few people with solid knowledge of the game, and raid at least a couple times a week, I would love to be considered for your guild. You can PM me here or reach out for me in game.

    Last edited by Roziel_Longblade; 06-09-2010 at 02:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Levonestral's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Check out our thread and see if you might be interested in checking us out:
    Leader of The Madborn, Thelanis
    Searros, Kangaros, Xearos, Fearos, Tearos, Zenros, Rocknros, Rargasauros, Whilyros, Frostyros, Rosificer, Levonestral, Clankros, Stabbyros

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