Hi guys I posted this on general discussion and then realized "oh wait there's a build forum, my bad" but like I said on the general I've been toying with the idea of an arcane warrior, or more well known as a battle mage.
After SOME planning I decided to take it for a run so far lv3 and enjoying it quite a bit..heres my stats~
Race:Human Class:Wizard 28pt build
Insightful reflex(so no need for Dex)
Toughness(hp is a must)
Spell focus Necro(PM)
Eschew Materials (so I dont need materials and it only costs 2 extra sp)
and at lv wat 6? I'll take extend spell. (so I dont need to rebuff as much.)
After 12lvs of Wiz (where I'll prestige as PM and at lv 12 take form of wrath for less hits on me) I'll take 8lvs of fighter as to beef him up(prestige as Kensie to better my hit chance). I might take 2 lvs of cleric instead and take 6lvs of fighter as to self heal to a degree so I can solo more easily.
So far what I do is run a bunch of buffs on me~
Masters Touch, Mage Armor, Shield, Bull Strength, Blur
This Allows me to do some good damage and not get hit a whole lot.
Though it may not be that great to some I love it! but I'd like some constuctive critizism. and does extend spell extend wraith form? Also does blur stack with wraith incorporeal or are the two different die rolls? or do u just got one or the other?
Plz Note~ I know Pm is bugged but I like the idea of extra summon extra Hp and and less chance to get hit. Also note I will not be wearing plate unless I find a way to reduce spell failure and I plan on getting robe of the abbot so I can heal some what.