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The problem with making builds based around those weapons is there's no way to improve them between their base form (min lvl 5) and their epic form. Even if you could come up with a good build for lvl 5, it would be waaaay gimped at higher levels if it still had to use that weapon.
That said, a few ideas which occurred to me (and the problems they face):
Midnight Greetings: a monk-splashed Finesse-based halfling Assassin could dual-wield these and still be centered, which would let them use monk stances and benefit from the Jidz-Tet'ka bracers. And at low levels such a build would probably have higher INT than STR, providing a little extra DPS. But with only +1 to-hit and no elemental or alignment dmg, you'd quickly outgrow them.
Chimera's Fang: the big appeal of this is the free 25% Fortification bonus which stacks; the downside is you need Greater Sentinel DM to benefit which is human-only, can't be taken until lvl 9, and costs 3 feats. Plus its damage bonuses are pretty meh even for a bastard sword. Still, you could do, say, a human TWF fighter who keeps CM in his offhand for the bonuses and uses something else (probably a khopesh!) in his main hand for DPS. And with the forthcoming changes to BSs & DAs (do glancing blows when single-wielded), the CM might be a decent choice for a human tank.
Elyd Edge: any bard would benefit from Anthem in theory, but on my bard I found that 1 song regen every 5 minutes is waaaay too slow to be much good; and I have to keep it equipped the entire time and it's not that great a weapon. The rest of its bonuses are pretty lackluster too. Its epic form might be more useful though.