I think I have it all down, but I need help with one thing, and confirmation on the rest.
When looking at builds and they go through how many HP you can get, I usually see something like this:
158(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +140(Con) +22(Helm) +22(Tough) +30(Enh.) +45(GS)=487
I am assuming that:
Levels = natural HP increase per level
Heroic = Heroic Durability
Draconic = Draconic Life reward
GFL = Greater False Life item
Helm = Minos Helm
Tough = HP from the toughness Feat
Enh. = Toughness Enhancements
GS = Green Steel
Is that right?
And now for the big question - 140 Con? I would assume Con means Constitution, but how the hell do you get an extra 140 hp? Unless that is for something else. Any help understanding that last one would be stellar.