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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Requesting a Build - WF Paladin Multiclass

    I need someone to make a build for me the requirements are, it must be a warforged paladin, multiclassing with either ranger/rouge/barb or fighter. I want the build to specialize in TWF, dual kopesh. I have 32 point char build an a +2 all stats tome. Also have vet status so i'll start him at lvl 4.

    Thanks in advance for anyone who undertakes this request.

  2. #2
    Community Member OldAquarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toxic_wraith View Post
    I need someone to make a build for me the requirements are, it must be a warforged paladin, multiclassing with either ranger/rouge/barb or fighter. I want the build to specialize in TWF, dual kopesh. I have 32 point char build an a +2 all stats tome. Also have vet status so i'll start him at lvl 4.

    Thanks in advance for anyone who undertakes this request.
    Can't be Pally/Barb

    Take a look at this build:

    If you gave more details it would help

    EDIT: Link is to a Pally 14/Ranger 6 build (not mine) as mentioned below
    Last edited by OldAquarian; 05-05-2010 at 01:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member tkneip1874's Avatar
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    not sure if multi classing just for that sake is a good idea. what are u looking for in the build. i know pure pal has awesome capstone and at 19 you can get divine sacrifice 3 which is 9d6 light damage every 4 secs. although i will admit that fitting twf on a pal is tricky. i would recommend 18pal/2ftr if ur looking to get kotc3. i have also seen people post a 14pal/6rgr. this is to get both weapon speed boost from zeal and tempest. also 18pal/2monk(or rog) are a good combo. both give evasion and monk give extra feats and rog gives u sneak attack and umd. just make sure if you multi class you plan it out carefully. good luck and have fun

  4. #4
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toxic_wraith View Post
    I need someone to make a build for me the requirements are, it must be a warforged paladin, multiclassing with either ranger/rouge/barb or fighter. I want the build to specialize in TWF, dual kopesh. I have 32 point char build an a +2 all stats tome. Also have vet status so i'll start him at lvl 4.

    Thanks in advance for anyone who undertakes this request.
    A WF twf pally at 32pt is really hard to do. Paladins are very stat intensive, and if you are shooting for divine might 3 or 4 you need a high cha score which is very hard to do on a wf. If you went 14 paladin 6 ranger you could swing it. An 18 P 2 rogue could also work but you would be looking at either a +3 or a +4 tome for DM3. Tell us what you want it to do and maybe we can help.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    What do you want out of this build? For pure DPS, you're probably better off with pure paladin. Rogue adds Evasion, UMD, and (maybe) trap skills (depending on INT). Monk also adds Evasion but trades UMD & traps for extra feats and WIS AC boost. Fighter splashes on paladins are usually for tank builds: adds Intimidate, tower shields, extra feat(s). Ranger 6 / paladin 14 (could sub rogue or monk 2 for last 2 paladin levels) gets you Tempest and various ranger abilities, but gives up your higher-lvl paladin abilities.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default Ok This is what i want

    ok after hearing what people have to say i like the 14 paladin 6 ranger idea for zeal an tempest is there anyway to work rouge into that for stealth disable an lock pick? an i mean i will get a +3 an +4 to all stats tome both when he reach high enough lvl an i will reincarnate him once high enough lvl.

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Default "And I want a pony! With laser-beam eyes!"

    I think you're asking for too much. You need a lot of skill points to maintain stealth & trap skills. A rogue / ranger can do it with sufficient INT. But with that many paladin levels? Not too likely: TWF paladins are pretty tight on stat points, since they need good STR, DEX, CON, and CHA.

    You could still do ranger 6 / paladin 12 with either monk 2 or rogue 2, if you were willing to give up lvl 4 paladin spells (Holy Sword, Zeal) for Evasion and either extra feats or UMD (don't think you'd have the skill points for more than that).

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