Brief Explanation of the Play style
You can do decent ranged damage with longbows and full heal, resurrect and buff you and others.
28 points build
Elf Multiclass (18 Favored Soul/ 2 Ranger)
Base Stats
18 Str
18 Dex
8 Con
8 Int
8 Wis
8 Cha
Level 20 Stats
You can boost this with +X stat tomes, other loot and crafted stuff.
18 base + 5 stats + 0 enhancements + 6 item + 2 tome + 1 exceptional = 32 STR
18 base + 0 stats + 3 enhancements + 6 item + 1 tome = 28 DEX
08 base + 0 stats + 0 enhancements + 6 item + 2 tome = 16 CON
08 base + 0 stats + 0 enhancements + 0 item + 0 tome = 08 INT
08 base + 0 stats + 0 enhancements + 6 item + 0 tome = 14 WIS
08 base + 0 stats + 3 enhancements + 6 item + 2 tome = 19 CHA
Regular Feat Selection
Level 1: Toughness
Level 3: Point Blank Shot - Favored by the Silver Flame (if you get the FVS level)
Level 6: Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons
Level 9: Mental Toughness
Level 12: Quicken Spell
Level 15: Manyshot
Level 18: Empower Healing Spell
Relevant Automatic Feats
Beloved of the Silver Flame (+2 to damage with longbows)
Child of the Silver Flame (+1 to attack with longbows)
Bow Strength (apply your Strength bonus to bow damage)
Leap of Faith
Level 20 Enhancements
Favored Soul Damage Boost IV
Elven Arcane Archer: Imbue Acid Arrows
Elven Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Arrows
Elven Dexterity II
Elven Ranged Attack II
Elven Ranged Damage II
Favored Soul Longbow Specialization II
Racial Toughness II
Elven Arcane Archer: Conjure +5 Arrows
Elven Arcane Archer I
Favored Soul Prayer of Life III
Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life II
Favored Soul Life Magic IV
Favored Soul Charisma III
Ranger Dexterity I
Favored Soul Toughness II
Level 20 Hit Points
You can boost this with +X stat tomes, other loot and crafted stuff.
164 Level
20 Heroic Durability
60 Constitution
23 Toughness Feat
40 Enhancements
30 Greater False Life
10 argo favor
20 minos legends
45 shroud item
40 yugoloth potion
20 rage
45 from Stalwart Pact (when HP falls to 50%)
40 4 tome + 1 exceptional + Litany of the Dead
20 +2 exceptional
Level 20 Saving Throws
You can boost this with +X stat tomes, other loot, crafted stuff and buffs.
Fortitude: 14 base + 3 stats (16 Con) + 4 resistance (item) = 21
Reflex : 14 base + 9 stats (28 Dex) + 4 resistance (item) = 27
Will : 11 base + 2 stats (14 Wis) + 4 resistance (item) = 17
Spell Points
You can boost this with +X stat tomes, other loot and crafted stuff.
1480 level
108 stats (19 Cha)
300 wizardry VI
105 mental toughness
20 elven arcane archer I
Spell Selection
You may change this spell selection at your own risk.
Level 1 spells
- Cure Light Wounds
- Divine favor
- Nightshield
- Summon Monster I
Level 2 spells
- Bull's Strength
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Remove Paralysis
- Resist Energy
Level 3 spells
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Remove Blindness
- Remove Curse
- Remove Disease
Level 4 spells
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Deathward
- Divine Power
- Freedom of Movement
Level 5 spells
- Raise Dead
- Spell Resistance
- Break Enchantment
- Stalwart Pact
Level 6 spells
- Heal
- Mass Cure Moderate Wounds
- Greater Dispel Magic
Level 7 spells
- Greater Restoration
- Mass Cure Serious Wounds
- Resurrection
Level 8 spells
- Death Pact
- Mass Death Ward
Level 9 spells
- Mass Heal
Made some changes. More Dexterity, less hit points. This is not a meele build, so 500+ hit points is pretty good.