Did a "fun" Shroud run last night--casters, clerics, fs, and bards only--no "traditional" melee classes allowed. Six guildees were interested and we pugged the last six spots--taking the 1st six that wanted to join. Of the six that joined, only one had a guild tag I recognized at all and one had never had a Shroud completion before. One person left in part 2 (no reason given)--so it ended up mostly being an 11 man run--2 bards, 3 wizzies, 1 sorc, 2 clerics, 3 fs of mixed levels from 16-20.
1) completion (70 minutes; 4 rounds on part 4)
2) zero pug deaths!--none, not one (except for the mandatory death going from part 4 to part 5)!
3) everyone followed instructions well and contributed. I think a good time was had by all
This type of experience makes me proud of the Thelanis community and shows me that there are a lot of quality newer players out there. I was proud that a bunch of random people were willing to participate in such a non-traditional run and proud that everyone could come together and perform at a high level and have a great time.