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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Group of friends looking for a guild.

    My group and I quit playing DDO for a few months, after playing it very casually, and our previous guild died. On rehab from playing the endgame WoW for far too long, so we're back to this little gem of a game. With my WoW subscription actually cancelled this time, looking to stick around for longer.

    Some parameters:

    Group includes Sorcerer 5 (rerolled upon return), leveling quickly, high playtime; Fighter 10 (has XP to level to 12, waiting for my reroll to catch up), high playtime; Paladin 10, moderate playtime; Fighter/Rogue 4, moderate playtime; Cleric 8, low playtime.

    Experienced gamers that enjoy playing fast//zerging but are fine with a slower (but not *too* slow...) pace as well; all in our early or mid 20s; new to the game but experienced with PnP (I'm an active DM) and MMOs generally (played EverQuest before WoW); I (Sorcerer) am a filthy powergamer and the others are decent at it.

    Looking for a guild with decent activity, three of us are EST and two of us are PST, so any set of hours is fine. All of us F2P (Premium) but looking to shell out for a few adventure packs here and there. Of note we're all going to be getting Delera's, Gianthold, and the raids now or soon.

    We're very interested in checking out any guilds who are recruiting to fill our dungeon runs with competent folks. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Community Member tunabomber's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hi,id like to extend an invite to you and your friends. We are a very active no nonsense casual guild.We have characters of all levels,people from all over the world,and many East Coasters in our guild. Many of us have wives and kids but we are still active at most times of the day due to different time zones etc. If interested look me up in game.

    Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
    Officer of The Silver Legion
    Knight Templar of Guild Medieval

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default The Silver Legion wants YOU!


    The Silver Legion is currently looking for new players to fill out their ranks. We’ve been around for several years as part of a larger multi-game guild called Guild Medieval. Take a look at our site: and if interested, send a quick letter of intent here: If you decide to apply, make sure you choose “other” for the domain, and Zip as your Recruiter : -)

    If you are interested in chatting more about the guild, send a PM or shoot me an in-game tell to any of the following toons:
    · Forelan
    · ZipperHead
    · Victom
    · Kianara
    I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Our guild is growing every day, and we are starting to coordinate more and more guild raids.

    I look forward to seeing you in game!


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