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  1. #1
    Community Member scouse65's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Post People with Mics

    Veteran VIP leader from our guild on Thelanis. If you are a team player and have a mic you will fit in well. Our branch on Orion is currently small but growing. Officers are PhilsWFpally, philsfvs ofvulkoor, and darkpanther.

  2. #2
    Community Member MattiG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Hey There.

    Newer player here, but lots of experience with WoW and other RPG's.

    30 yrs old, wife, kids, MIC (!), I love using the mic too, and play from work an hour or two during the day.

    Let me know what I need to do to connect with you. I'm a bit bored solo'ing! Just got ViP too.

    My toons on Orien:

    Traimai (main, almost lvl 6 rogue1/ranger4)
    MattiG (currently a lvl 3 dwarf barb, but will probably delete and reroll soon)
    Parzifal (Cleric/Fighter build I found on the forums in the "revisiting paths" thread. Having fun with it so far)

    I'm usually on Traimai, but if you shoot me a PM on the forum, that would probably get to me first if I'm on another toon.


  3. #3
    Community Member tampaglen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    hey - me too! over 30 w/kids...eastern time zone player with mic! currently grinding for favor as Alexuss (lvl14) on Orien. Probably gonna roll a 32pt build once I can. Look me up.

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