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  1. #1
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    Default Any Reason to True Resurrect my Cleric?

    if my Dwarf Cleric is already 32 point build, is there any real reason to Ture Res? I mean the free feat past life for the extra boost to the Turn Undead stuff can't be important at all, the eventually 4 extra stats points (since if I do it once I will do it twice) would give me a 18 con, but that's not super reason enough for two True Resurrections, is there something I am over looking? even the pick-able feat for past life cleric is not worth taking over the other feats out there.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    It's the easiest way to turn your cleric into a properly preequipped FvS

  3. #3
    Community Member Moreion's Avatar
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    True resurect on my point of view has 2 reasons to be. First u can become 36 point build (2 true resurrect). And 2nd some fun.

    I see no reason why not having 4 more points on ur build, and im definetly getting tired of playing the same 4-5 adventures over and over again cause really there isnt much to do as a lvl 20 char. Im about near to get my endgame gear and theres not much to do after that...

    U could also think in ur absolute 36-point-end-game char. Im considering to take sorc as my last 2nd reincarnation to get pastlife sorc and get the extra sp... There are more posibilities whit this past lives.

    And i really would like to rerun some quests that r just to easy as lvl 20 (naked Tempest Spine ;P).

    Ask yourself why u r still playing DDO with a 20 char with everything he can get and as powerful as he can be? The only reason i can think about is to help guildies, but i cant tell how can u really help ur guild: by helping only lvl 16 chars to get easily shroud ingredients; or by helping low level new recruits or new 2nd toons rising fast with u. Theres also the new guild improvements announced for this year, but that will take some.

    In resum, I say resurrect. The only con is that ull be again lvl 1 but thats only a matter of time...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    It's the easiest way to turn your cleric into a properly preequipped FvS
    haha I know, Clerics get no love in this game, turning sucks, no domains which is the best part about clerics (DnD 3.5) oh and I don't remember them adding anything to clerics to make up for this do I? no not really. If I had FvS unlocked I may do that, but till then, guess your vote is for no on the True Res...

  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AAAFate View Post
    haha I know, Clerics get no love in this game, turning sucks, no domains which is the best part about clerics (DnD 3.5) oh and I don't remember them adding anything to clerics to make up for this do I? no not really. If I had FvS unlocked I may do that, but till then, guess your vote is for no on the True Res...
    Ya, I wouldn't bother. You are right, you don't gain much from it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moreion View Post
    True resurect on my point of view has 2 reasons to be. First u can become 36 point build (2 true resurrect). And 2nd some fun.

    I see no reason why not having 4 more points on ur build, and im definetly getting tired of playing the same 4-5 adventures over and over again cause really there isnt much to do as a lvl 20 char. Im about near to get my endgame gear and theres not much to do after that...

    U could also think in ur absolute 36-point-end-game char. Im considering to take sorc as my last 2nd reincarnation to get pastlife sorc and get the extra sp... There are more posibilities whit this past lives.

    And i really would like to rerun some quests that r just to easy as lvl 20 (naked Tempest Spine ;P).

    Ask yourself why u r still playing DDO with a 20 char with everything he can get and as powerful as he can be? The only reason i can think about is to help guildies, but i cant tell how can u really help ur guild: by helping only lvl 16 chars to get easily shroud ingredients; or by helping low level new recruits or new 2nd toons rising fast with u. Theres also the new guild improvements announced for this year, but that will take some.

    In resum, I say resurrect. The only con is that ull be again lvl 1 but thats only a matter of time...
    Let me ask you this, as this is my first Char on this game, wouldn't it be nice to have a cleric at level 20, and get a new char to 20 for True Res? I mean as you said the past life stuff is better for a Sorce and the past life stuff for Clerics is pretty lame I think we all know. So wouldn't I want a new char with past life stuff that is useful? I mean at the last true res for 36 point I can make him anything, no reason to start with a cleric then. My second Char I am sure I will true Res all the way.

  7. #7
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    It's the easiest way to turn your cleric into a properly preequipped FvS
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  8. #8
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    I'll be TRing my pure cleric into a clonk after i hit 20 abbot completions. (and hopefully by then get some gear I want). Why wait til 20th abbot you ask? Because the cleric capstone rocks!! And it makes the raid a whole lot easier. Especially if you have to go do some soul stone recovery in the death water.

  9. #9
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AAAFate View Post
    Let me ask you this, as this is my first Char on this game, wouldn't it be nice to have a cleric at level 20, and get a new char to 20 for True Res? I mean as you said the past life stuff is better for a Sorce and the past life stuff for Clerics is pretty lame I think we all know. So wouldn't I want a new char with past life stuff that is useful? I mean at the last true res for 36 point I can make him anything, no reason to start with a cleric then. My second Char I am sure I will true Res all the way.
    Personally I would keep 1 character at 20. During my TR process I got bored running lowbie stuff all over again, but this time over and over and over...... You may get bored, so having a raid level character helped me get through it.
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  10. #10
    Community Member The_Great_Samulas's Avatar
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    I'll be true reincarnating my cleric shortly, as I have some +3 tomes now ready for him. I do want 4 more ToD completions before I do.

    I debated it for awhile as the cleric past life stuff is rather bland. I'll be bringing him back as a cleric again. I don't want to double reincarnate, so I'm not switching classes to get better past life feats. The conjuration dc bonus does apply to cometfall (which is one of my main spells). Only good thing I can see. I was needing to lesser reincarnate him anyways to fix some small stuff. True reincarnate lets me play a lowbie again. Kinda breaks up the pace from raids and epics all the time. It is fun to play one of your main toons again in lowbie land.
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  11. #11
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    True Resurrection is good for getting all your Hit Points and whatever mana you had before you died.

    Oh meant True Reincarnate...ah, that make a little more sense.

    Well, I guess if you like to get 34 and then 36 points to increase your stats minimally and then go through the masochistic EXP grind to get them, True Reincarnate is for you!

    If you decide to change to another class (like to a properly equipped FvS as someone above suggested), then TRing is also for you.

    As the Past Life cleric feat isn't all that greeat, I wouldn't do it unless you're really bored or want to change classes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
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    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  12. #12
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AAAFate View Post
    if my Dwarf Cleric is already 32 point build, is there any real reason to Ture Res? I mean the free feat past life for the extra boost to the Turn Undead stuff can't be important at all, the eventually 4 extra stats points (since if I do it once I will do it twice) would give me a 18 con, but that's not super reason enough for two True Resurrections, is there something I am over looking? even the pick-able feat for past life cleric is not worth taking over the other feats out there.
    There is no reason to reincarnate into cleric.
    And of course there was no reason to roll cleric in the first place
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  13. #13
    Community Member Danmor's Avatar
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    Clerics are fun and versatile.

    That being said, I don't see myself TR'ing into a cleric unless it's a 28pt messed-up cleric like my first toon

    So if you really like your cleric and low-level stuff, go ahead and TR into a cleric. But there's no reason to do it for added bonuses (like FvS/Sorc SP bonus or monk damage bonus).
    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    If the melee asks "Why didn't you heal me before I died?", Healer response should be "Why didn't you kill it before you died?"
    Everybody's got the right to be stupid, some just abuse the privilege.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    One possible reason to consider TR'ing is if you want to morph your Cleric into a Clr18/Mnk2 Str-based TWF melee build with Divine Might 3. I don't think there's enough stat points to make such a build as a 32 pointer.

    That said, that's a pretty niche build, and I've never found a design for it that I liked enough to consider levelling it.
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  15. #15
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    Sorry for mistaking reincarnate for resurrection, still sorta new to DDO.

    Ok so lets say I want to make a 36 point cleric, wouldn't it be better to just do it with a new character? getting better past life opportunities? I mean when I do the second reincarnate I can pick the final class I want as a 36 point build. so if I don't mind waiting for one more level 20 grind, in the end it's all the same which ever char I plan to use, with the exception of the past life options.

  16. #16
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    I'm thinking of TRing my cleric once I hit 20, but I have a question regarding that, my cleric is a 28pt (f2p yay), will I get 32 or 34 when TRing him?

  17. #17
    Community Member Slowe's Avatar
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  18. #18
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Default more

    I am not sure at what point but they are going to lift the only TR X2 at that point, you will only have further to go until have the max build pts. Also, as mentioned before, you can TR as something else and then return to the original class. So, you could TR your cleric into a Monk and then back into a cleric and so on.

    So, I would do all the prep work and then I figure out how to make your toon even better.

    note: I "recreated" my toons when I got enough favor for the 32 pt build and I am STILL trying to get them back when they were before (sometimes RL sucks!!!)

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