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  1. #1
    Community Member Tummada's Avatar
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    Default To all you so called leaders!!??

    This rant/suggestion is not intended for those leaders who stick with THEIR group even when the going gets tough, even when the party whips, even when the group is full of noobs and the out look is bleak!! This message is intended for those so called LEADERS who when the going gets tough they are the first to throw out an insult to the rest of the group and leave the party!!! These so called leaders in my opinion SUCK the big one and should be penalized!!!

    I was Running crucible over the weekend on hard, we had a party wipe while navigating through the maze, the leader yells out "this party is full of noobs" then LEAVES group!?!...***...

    I remember when I first started playing this game, when a party would wipe players were more willing to stick through it...everyone would recall except 1 and come back in with renown determination to complete the quest...where are those people? COME BACK!!!

    So here is my suggestion; Once a party enters a quest if a party member LEAVES group because things are going south then that toon who left should be penalized next time they log on weather by XP penalty or some other means. What do you think?
    Last edited by Tummada; 04-12-2010 at 09:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    Sometimes, the party members ARE all noobs.

    You should be penalized for being a noob.

    Oh wait, they did, then took it away.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Math never helps solve problems, it only further complicates them. Far too often players use it as a tool to push there own agenda and twist numbers to cause strife where its not due.

  3. #3
    Community Member LunaCee's Avatar
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    Why? Because if I bail on a party that is OBVIOUSLY incapable of doing the quest because I don't want to blow 4-5 times the resources it should require to "give" said group a completion... I should have every right to do so without penalty.

    Do I lead parties? Now and then, usually not raids and the like though. I'll stick around if there is a decent chance of success and it was just lag or a failed save at the wrong time that rolled the party. If the problem is that people cannot do what is required. I am outta there no questions asked.

    There is a big difference between ragequit at first sign of trouble and quitting because staying with said group of incompetents any longer is just wasting my time and plat.

  4. #4
    Community Member LazarusPossum's Avatar
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    I agree with the part about patience, determination, and not throwing in the towel at the first sign of difficulty.

    However, a computer can't really tell the difference between bad luck and noobishness.
    "Why is stuff so hard?" - William Murderface

  5. #5
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    I think it's stupid to penalize people for not wishing to carry 5 pileons on their backs.
    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  7. #7
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Default Equal opportunity penalty

    If you want a penalty or wiping, just ask what happen when a character used to die in a quest. Since your whole party wiped, regardless of who stays or goes, everyone should be given a penalty, that is if you want one.

    Breaking group should never give a penalty. More times then not, players have to split for R/L reasons, and break group, so why should something exsist that would bea negative for them.

    In the old days, dying meant loss of XP, you want something, ask for that. At least then, evryone in your PARTY receives the same penalty for a PARTY wipe.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  8. #8
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    When you hit recall, there should pop a question "why are you leaving the quest? check one"

    - Your party is full of noobs and there is no hope of completion
    - You have some unexpected rl issue
    - You are just farming and dont want the completion
    - You are dead and need to recall to resurrect and come back
    - You just opened the instance for some friends, never planned to run the quest

    If the person answers the first option, then they get a xp penalty!

  9. #9
    Community Member Tummada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    If you want a penalty or wiping, just ask what happen when a character used to die in a quest. Since your whole party wiped, regardless of who stays or goes, everyone should be given a penalty, that is if you want one.

    Breaking group should never give a penalty. More times then not, players have to split for R/L reasons, and break group, so why should something exsist that would bea negative for them.

    In the old days, dying meant loss of XP, you want something, ask for that. At least then, evryone in your PARTY receives the same penalty for a PARTY wipe.

    R/L issues are different. I'm not talking about DC because everyone from time to time has computer/internet issue's that are out of their control. I'm only talking about people who LEAVE group when the going gets tough.

  10. #10
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    people don't stick it out in hard time in RL expecting them to do so in a game is insane.
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  11. #11
    Community Member Tummada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gercho View Post
    When you hit recall, there should pop a question "why are you leaving the quest? check one"

    - Your party is full of noobs and there is no hope of completion
    - You have some unexpected rl issue
    - You are just farming and dont want the completion
    - You are dead and need to recall to resurrect and come back
    - You just opened the instance for some friends, never planned to run the quest

    If the person answers the first option, then they get a xp penalty!
    option 1 =xp penalty
    option 2 is a DC and does not apply
    option 3 must have been agreed on by all members, if not xp penalty applies
    option 4 no xp penalty for dedication
    option 5 since you only opened the instance for friends you never actually went in the quest no xp penalty applies

    see how easy it is..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gercho View Post
    When you hit recall, there should pop a question "why are you leaving the quest? check one"

    - Your party is full of noobs and there is no hope of completion
    - You have some unexpected rl issue
    - You are just farming and dont want the completion
    - You are dead and need to recall to resurrect and come back
    - You just opened the instance for some friends, never planned to run the quest

    If the person answers the first option, then they get a xp penalty!
    a foolproof method. :eyeroll:

  13. #13
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gercho View Post
    When you hit recall, there should pop a question "why are you leaving the quest? check one"

    - Your party is full of noobs and there is no hope of completion
    - You have some unexpected rl issue
    - You are just farming and dont want the completion
    - You are dead and need to recall to resurrect and come back
    - You just opened the instance for some friends, never planned to run the quest

    If the person answers the first option, then they get a xp penalty!
    nope. can you not see why this would be horrible to implement? No one would answer anything that causes a penalty.
    The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!

  14. #14
    Community Member Tummada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerincho View Post

    /not signed

    /not supported

    people don't stick it out in hard time in RL expecting them to do so in a game is insane.
    I really don't have much to say about this post it unfortunately speaks for it's self.

  15. #15
    Community Member Rav'n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tummada View Post
    option 1 =xp penalty
    option 2 is a DC and does not apply
    option 3 must have been agreed on by all members, if not xp penalty applies
    option 4 no xp penalty for dedication
    option 5 since you only opened the instance for friends you never actually went in the quest no xp penalty applies

    see how easy it is..
    Watch how many Unexpected Real Life situations pop up.

    Sounds to me like you got bit and want to bite someone in turn. Easy fix... from now on, form your own groups... when someone bails on you... add them to your 'friends' list.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    But you underestimate my ability to be horribly underpowered for long periods of time for the sake of an emotional attachment to an idea.
    Minstral of Mayhem
    Aces over Kings

  16. #16
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Default wanting to be there

    Quote Originally Posted by Tummada View Post
    R/L issues are different. I'm not talking about DC because everyone from time to time has computer/internet issue's that are out of their control. I'm only talking about people who LEAVE group when the going gets tough.
    I understand that is whom you are talking about. My point is how do you pick who leaves for what reason when it comes todetermining whm receives a penalty.

    In this particular situation, sure the player that bailed didn't receive a penalty, but you sure did benifit from a bonus. What I mean is, the player was lame enough to bail on the group, probably has a sore personality, doesn't want to be there, maybe in whines a bit, yells at your fellow party members, ect ect ect..... Do you really want someone in that group.

    Now if in fact it was the party leader, and the other 5 members, you included, have never been in the Crucible, sure you lost a good guide perhaps, but then you now benifit from the enjoyment and excitement of adventuring an learning a quest on your own.

    What I'm trying to say is, yes that player is in fact lame. It is sad when players want to play a game, but dismiss any opportunit for a challenge. However, I find it much more enjoyable when the players in MY group want to be there. Don't you?
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  17. #17
    Community Member Tymoriel_Ayreweaver's Avatar
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    lol. So you want the leader to spend money on repair costs and resources to help a bunch of incompetents through a quest. That is quite amusing.
    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post
    Someone rolled a 1 on their sarcasm check....

  18. #18
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    Nobody picked the sarchasm in my post? the point is that there is no way to know why someone is leaving, other than asking, and nobody would answer truthfully if that means a penalty...

  19. #19
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tummada View Post
    This rant/suggestion is not intended for those leaders who stick with THEIR group even when the going gets tough, even when the party whips, even when the group is full of noobs and the out look is bleak!! This message is intended for those so called LEADERS who when the going gets tough they are the first to throw out an insult to the rest of the group and leave the party!!! These so called leaders in my opinion SUCK the big one and should be penalized!!!

    I was Running crucible over the weekend on hard, we had a party wipe while navigating through the maze, the leader yells out "this party is full of noobs" then LEAVES group!?!...***...

    I remember when I first started playing this game, when a party would wipe players were more willing to stick through it...everyone would recall except 1 and come back in with renown determination to complete the quest...where are those people? COME BACK!!!

    So here is my suggestion; Once a party enters a quest if a party member LEAVES group because things are going south then that toon who left should be penalized next time they log on weather by XP penalty or some other means. What do you think?
    If something goes bad like a failed save or what have you, and someone ragequits, that's fine. It's much easier to continue the quest and complete without a personality like that in group. Those who want to continue can res out and reset the quest by reforming. No penalty, no disadvantage really. I've had the pleasure of grouping with folks that stick things out, and I've had the pleasure of having ragequitters in group. I say pleasure both ways as it's comical to me most times to have someone exclaim something they think is abrasive, and then run away before anyone can actually respond to them.

    There are times though that things just aren't going to work. I wasn't there and have no idea what the situation was. I can site some examples though of when it's better to try it with another mix rather than have repeat wipes.

    I don't think I'd ever support a system that would force you to continue to be somewhere you don't want to be in the game though. I'd rather reserve the right for anyone to leave for whatever the situation might be. It's inconvenient at times, but it happens...

  20. #20
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    "Im sorry, i have to leave. Being around idiots give me sore knuckles."
    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    I believe my left thumb is Gimp. I think I need to reroll.
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