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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Im a Cleric,Grab Fighter?

    Ive just started a cleric and was wondering if I should just grab 1 level of fighter to get tower proficieny/martial profciency/hp etc.? Any hints?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Not unless you planned for it from the beginning and designed your character accordingly (i.e. you built your character to have a higher Strength than Wisdom).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Not unless you planned for it from the beginning and designed your character accordingly (i.e. you built your character to have a higher Strength than Wisdom).
    Yeh, actually I got my stats and stuff from your 2010 guide under Melee Intensive dwarf build w/ the 18 strength.
    But I was curious, the guide didn't really talk about multi-classing ( I believe) but just from playing around I think starting the cleric out as 1 cleric/1 fighter is a REALLY good idea for this type of build (I think fighters get tower prof standard and martial weapons also). You need AC and Dwarf Battleaxe rocks too.

    BTW, what kind of feats should I pick up with the 1 level of fighter? and skills too?
    Last edited by Rexmundis; 04-06-2010 at 12:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Daliyn's Avatar
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    tihocan's Warpriest of Siberys revisited. Can't go wrong with this.

  5. #5
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rexmundis View Post
    Yeh, actually I got my stats and stuff from your 2010 guide under Melee Intensive dwarf build w/ the 18 strength.
    But I was curious, the guide didn't really talk about multi-classing ( I believe) but just from playing around I think starting the cleric out as 1 cleric/1 fighter is a REALLY good idea for this type of build (I think fighters get tower prof standard and martial weapons also). You need AC and Dwarf Battleaxe rocks too.

    BTW, what kind of feats should I pick up with the 1 level of fighter? and skills too?
    Splashing fighter is definitely a good idea for a melee-intensive cleric. Especially since the easiest way to go is use two-handed weapons, so that proficiencies are quite helpful. Tower shield is however rather useless except when going into defensive mode at lower levels (at higher levels your AC will suck and you'll either be swinging a two-handed weapon or dual wielding caster weapons to boost your spells).
    You can also go TWF but it's more difficult on a cleric.

  6. #6
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    I have a question along the same lines(kinda). If you want to go caster cleric, would it be worth splashing 1 lvl in wiz or sorc for wand usage?

  7. #7
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by spitfirek View Post
    I have a question along the same lines(kinda). If you want to go caster cleric, would it be worth splashing 1 lvl in wiz or sorc for wand usage?
    No, this would weaken you as a caster cleric. Pretty much only makes sense on a healbot, and even then, I'd rather splash bard for UMD since at higher levels wands are not very useful.

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