This is my very first attempt at building a character, so I did some studying and came up with this as an idea. My thought here is a character that is solo/solo with hireling capable but also able to take care of traps in non-epic groups if needed. Here are my main questions for you experienced builders/players out there:
1) How capable will this build be at finding/disabling traps? I know I didn't put spot in it, because when I solo my nose will be in a guide (and I really don't care how slow I go alone), and when I group, I'm assuming others will know where traps are.
2) Is a high level of UMD needed on a WF character that pretty much plans to heal themselves? Should I swap out something to get healers friend for the times when I do group?
3) Any thoughts on the wizardly skills? The necro piece actually comes from a past history of RP I did in EQ when I played a necro, and I have some fantastic stories that can come back with some creativity. I realize pale master isn't everything it can be now, but I think I'm willing to give it a shot and play with the solo stealthing a bit if it doesn't hurt my viability too much.
4) Any other comments? I'm very new to the game, so feedback is appreciated. This isn't intended to be a real powerful raiding/end game maximized character, but more one where I can have fun and disable (hopefully) the majority of traps that are not high end.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34 DDO Character Planner Home Page Xorana Deathtouch Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Female (2 Rogue \ 18 Wizard) Hit Points: 256 Spell Points: 1468 BAB: 10\10\15\20 Fortitude: 10 Reflex: 18 Will: 10 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 10 10 Dexterity 10 10 Constitution 18 19 Intelligence 18 28 Wisdom 8 8 Charisma 6 6 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3 +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 4 6 Bluff -2 -2 Concentration 6 27 Diplomacy -2 -2 Disable Device 8 33 Haggle -2 -2 Heal -1 -1 Hide 4 4 Intimidate -2 -2 Jump 4 4 Listen 3 3 Move Silently 4 4 Open Lock 4 22 Perform n/a n/a Repair 4 9 Search 8 33 Spot 3 6 Swim 0 0 Tumble 4 4 Use Magic Device 2 18 Level 1 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Rogue Balance I Enhancement: Rogue Disable Device I Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock I Enhancement: Rogue Search I Level 2 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Mental Toughness Enhancement: Wizard Concentration I Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I Level 3 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I Level 4 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I Enhancement: Wizard Wand Mastery I Level 5 (Wizard) Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation II Level 6 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Quicken Spell Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Necromancy Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II Level 7 (Wizard) Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Wizard Pale Master I Level 8 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements II Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II Level 9 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation III Level 10 (Wizard) Level 11 (Wizard) Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III Level 12 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Empower Spell Feat: (Selected) Insightful Reflexes Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence III Level 13 (Wizard) Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Level 14 (Wizard) Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements III Enhancement: Wizard Pale Master II Level 15 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Spell Penetration Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV Enhancement: Shroud of the Wraith Level 16 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Enhancement: Shroud of the Lich Level 17 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Heighten Spell Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation IV Level 18 (Wizard) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Penetration Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements III Enhancement: Wizard Wand Mastery II Enhancement: Wizard Wand Heightening I Level 19 (Wizard) Enhancement: Wizard Wand Heightening II Level 20 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Enhancement: Wizard Concentration II Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration I Enhancement: Wizard Pale Master III