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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010

    Default Minimum level to accept and enter quests

    Is it always quest level -3 to accept a quest? And also -3 to enter in a quest, but a team member who is higher could open

    what about chain quests that start low and end high? I think you also need to be -3 for the highest parts but I'm not sure

    what about hard and elite difficulty?

  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    I don't think there's a limit on most quests to be able to undertake them. Some have one, but I believe the majority don't.
    There is one to be able to open the quest if it's not active already. Not sure what it is, but yep, I think around level -3 or -4.
    Chain quest / difficulty level doesn't matter.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kaldais's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    It has changed since UE. You are now required to be higher than Quest level - 4 to actually enter the quest.
    IE for level 8 quests you need to be 5+ to enter.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Kaldais View Post
    It has changed since UE. You are now required to be higher than Quest level - 4 to actually enter the quest.
    IE for level 8 quests you need to be 5+ to enter.
    you can ENTER a quest underleveled (just did thrall of the necromancer lvl 8 with a lvl 4 in the party), but you wont get the quest credit just the xp and someone higher had to open it first

    the level change is both good and bad.. so lower levels can not "leech" in parties with higher lvls for quest rewards (but there's a hefty xp penalty anyway), but on the other hand i rather have a slightly underleveled cleric than none at all for my quest ;-)

    but -3 seems reasonable, you wouldn't let a lvl 4 party do a CR 8 adventure either in PnP

  5. #5
    Community Member Kaldais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard1406 View Post
    you can ENTER a quest underleveled (just did thrall of the necromancer lvl 8 with a lvl 4 in the party), but you wont get the quest credit just the xp and someone higher had to open it first

    the level change is both good and bad.. so lower levels can not "leech" in parties with higher lvls for quest rewards (but there's a hefty xp penalty anyway), but on the other hand i rather have a slightly underleveled cleric than none at all for my quest ;-)

    but -3 seems reasonable, you wouldn't let a lvl 4 party do a CR 8 adventure either in PnP
    Has this been changed recently? I will have to test it out. It used to be this way where as long as someone in your party has openned the quest, anyone can enter. It was changed when UE was launched to where you must be within -3 levels of the quest to physically enter.

  6. #6
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    It has changed since UE. You are now required to be higher than Quest level - 4 to actually enter the quest.
    This is untrue. At least as a general rule (there may well be some quests that enforce this).

    I recently had a level 4 character enter Invaders! after it was opened by a level 20. Invaders! is level 10 or 11, either way well in excess of the limitation you mention.

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