I hate to post again, but our static group once again finds itself needing another player. We are a group of 5 adult players who have been running together on Wednesday and Sunday nights for about 4 months now. Unfortunately, we have had a difficult time finding a 6th player who will show up for runs and stick with the group.
We currently consist of a fighter, pally, rogue, sorc, and cleric. We need one more good player to round out our group. Here, in a nutshell, is what we are looking for.
1. Be able to play wed and sun nights from 8-11 central time.
3. It would be nice to get a different class in the group than one we already have, but this is not totally necessary. We also need someone around lv 8-10 since thats where we all are sitting right now. A lv 9 would be perfect!
4. You need to be VIP, or be willing to purchase adventure packs when needed. This si not to sound eliteist, but it won't work well if our group is running Sorrowdusk and you can't/won't get the quests.
5. Be a mature player who wants to enjoy the content and not zerg through everything as fast as possible. We usually go for max xp.
6. Finally, be willing to share with the group and reserve your toon for group runs. We stay the same xp level and share everything from plat to longswords for the good of the group.
Static gorups are a great time as they allow you to max out your character's potential since you know exactly what you need to bring to the group each and every time you log on. It will also give you the chance to meet some good players in game and have fun. Our group has all different experience levels as well, so don't be shy if you're a new player! email me at dnsmth31@gmail.com if you are interested.