Saw something tonight while running Tangleroot that I hadn't seen before. I was grouped with 4 other players about the same level as my character ( level 7) for Splinterskull. There was a 6th player in the group who was level 16, but he didn't enter the quests, or even go to the Tangleroot wilderness zone (I think he was there so we could open elite, but I had always thought you needed to actually be there to do that).
When we started Splinterskull, we noticed fairly quickly that the level 4 (+2 for elite) mobs were *hammering* us. When we looked at the combat log, the mobs either were missing or critting. Always, either a miss or a crit. We made it through with 1 death, talked about the problem, but went back for the next 3 parts (prisoner rescue, getting the plans and maps and destroying Whisperdoom's eggs), and saw, and got slammed by, the same hit = crit behavior.
We had the the level 16 player drop before we went back in for the next part thinking that we were maybe seeing some anti-power leveling code, but even then all the hits were crits. We wiped on that part of the chain (when they're all crits it can go down hill fast
), and just gave up.
Now this was not a new quest chain to any of us (I'm fairly new but have done Splinterskull maybe a dozen times, several members were old timers on alts and one was a true rez), so it's not like we weren't familiar with the chain or unprepared., but none of us had any clue what was causing the problem.
Question is, were we seeing anti-power leveling code, was the quest chain just bugged, or were the mobs just AMAZINGLY AND IMPOSSIBLY lucky in their dice rolls? If it was anti-power leveling code (not sure how the level 16 could have helped us since he wasn't even in the instance), why did it continue after he dropped? Would breaking and reforming have solved it? Any ideas?