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  1. #1
    Community Member Astars's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Raid Tactics Reference *may contain spoilers*

    Thelanis has become a melting pot of veteran US and European n00bs from Devourer and Keeper. This makes raiding a bit complicated. Depending on the history of the raid host, a different tactic may be used. So I want to compile now a list of tactics to make communication easier. So at the the start of the raid the leader calls a huddle and shouts 3-16 and every1 knows what to do
    Feel free to add tactics. Some may see the content as spoilers, hence the warning in the title

    Devourer style is with fixed teams (4/4/4). This means everyone should know the puzzles and if you were a member of the abbot channel on good old devourer, you'll get trained to do any puzzle. Its perfect to short-man it. We usually restart the raid should we fail at one puzzle. So if you see me calling for a Devourer style abbot you know what to expect
    US mainsteam is with scouts and up to 4 sleepers on asteroids. Basically you can easily accomodate 4 leechers and still succeed. But you'll find lots of ppl with abbot gear who haven't the faintest idea about running the other puzzles. If we fail at goggles we fight him down again and send the guy with the phase goggles as 2nd or 3rd on the second run (1st goes goggle side 2nd and 3rd running side)

    Devourer style we fog the portals and protect the caster while running outside with him. The inside group can do their thing and not worry about any mobs. Scales nicely for hard and elite, but takes some coordination and ppl sticking with their roles.
    US style is fog the 4 entrances to the middle and collapse inside. Easier to organize (since ppl just have to stay in the middle), but more difficult to scale.

    Devourer style we go to the southeast with Judge
    US we go northwest with Judge



  2. #2
    Community Member Judo's Avatar
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    In hound, as a guild and leading otherwise, we use no fog whatsoever

    When portals are fogged on the outside, and caster isnt directly in LOS,
    the mobs can (and will) go through the middle to get to the caster

    Typically, we have 1 tank go to center, 1-2 healers shortly after, the rest of
    the party goes on patrol, no fogs, killing as you go, with 1 healer to go with

    bard grabs stones

    nobody ever goes into center until the end, and only if you dont have immediate agro

    scales great on elite (only do hard runs otherwise)

    downside with this plan, is that its easily FUBAR with 1 pugger who doesnt listen
    or is griefing the party

    Some guilds will have party collapse back inside once stones are gathered

    (downside is if shyza hits the fan, you have to fight a lot more at once to retrieve more stones)
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judo View Post
    In hound, as a guild and leading otherwise, we use no fog whatsoever

    When portals are fogged on the outside, and caster isnt directly in LOS,
    the mobs can (and will) go through the middle to get to the caster

    Typically, we have 1 tank go to center, 1-2 healers shortly after, the rest of
    the party goes on patrol, no fogs, killing as you go, with 1 healer to go with

    bard grabs stones

    nobody ever goes into center until the end, and only if you dont have immediate agro

    In most raids (guild and pugs) this is the tactic used most that I have seen. And it does work really well. On guild runs we try to have guild members keep to the more important roles (two healers, bard and tank in middle).

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  4. #4
    Founder Deusxmachina's Avatar
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    I hardly see fog clouds anywhere anymore. Usually, one tank guy in the middle while DPS runs laps, running into the middle to kill if someone says a mob got through.

    Shroud part 2:
    Still see some people taking 10 minutes and dragging the four reds all over creation. I suppose that might need to be done with some badly-geared level 16s, but with level 20s, separate them by 50 feet or so and give them the beatdown.

    One Intim (preferably) or DPS guy for Sulu. One Intim guy for orthons/devils.

    The alternate methods I think are called the "Chaos" and "Party Wipe" methods.
    I can dodge fireballs, baby!
    "When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown-up."

  5. #5
    Community Member Astars's Avatar
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    Some additions:

    Devourer style abbot:
    Fixed groups, reform on puzzle failure (see above)
    We use a sacrificial lamb (or goat if its Belo) before the end fight, carrying tons of ice wands and seeking an untimely death between the altar and the edge of the island (just behind that little step). Then the scout goes down. Then the whole party. Each and every1 of the party takes an ice wand from the pile left by the sacrificial lamb, so every1 can cast an ice island during the inferno (half will fail or cast too far out, but that won't matter then)

    On the hound tactics using fogs on the portals:
    Yes the mobs will cross the middle, but as long as the intimi doesn't grab them (takes a little bit of skill) they will run out on the other side in search for the caster. So ppl in the middle can just about ignore the mobs crossing

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judo View Post
    In hound, as a guild and leading otherwise, we use no fog whatsoever

    When portals are fogged on the outside, and caster isnt directly in LOS,
    the mobs can (and will) go through the middle to get to the caster

    Typically, we have 1 tank go to center, 1-2 healers shortly after, the rest of
    the party goes on patrol, no fogs, killing as you go, with 1 healer to go with

    bard grabs stones

    nobody ever goes into center until the end, and only if you dont have immediate agro

    scales great on elite (only do hard runs otherwise)

    downside with this plan, is that its easily FUBAR with 1 pugger who doesnt listen
    or is griefing the party

    Some guilds will have party collapse back inside once stones are gathered

    (downside is if shyza hits the fan, you have to fight a lot more at once to retrieve more stones)

    that tactics got used on keeper mostly aswell. if the bard knows his job (that he can and has to buff the puppies) its a 99.9% no fail run.

    one addidtion: theres one guy (fast killer) assigned that is allowed to enter the center when the situation calls for it (like a render or two appear)
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
    Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing Warforged
    Nursing IsFutile (FvS) - Unorthodox Behaviour (Kensai) - Bigbofo (Warchanter) - Nukelear Blast (Sorc) - Jurugu Fleshbane (currently TRing) - Reviving IsCheaper (Radiant Blaster)

  7. #7
    Stormreach Advisor

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    The Shroud pt.1 portal order is pretty funny too. I remember a run with one guy from Europe who told us how different the order was on European server
    US one: Middle, West, East, East, South, West, West below, North West, Middle-West, Middle-East, East (South side), North East, Middle-West, West, East
    Devourer one? I can't remember

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