The entire thelanis server appears to be down, can't log in or anything. Booted my party from deleras as well D:
The entire thelanis server appears to be down, can't log in or anything. Booted my party from deleras as well D:
Why Thelanis!!! just get rid of cannith or something :P
screw all f2p players and make this a p2p game again. Im not gonna pay for something that constanly lagging and crashes. If everyone pay they might be able to have decent servers cause this is insaine
its far from the f2p vrs p2p ( adds flavorfull dialect) its all the silliness like ice games candy canes , party hats and **** that are far from what d&d is meant to be , i alone spend nearly 100 a month on ddo store items and know many clerics that do the same , money for technilogical incompitance isnt the issue, you want to beat each other with candy canes and give your pixel gf a diamond necklace , go to a server meant for just that , those that want to hack mounds of beholders shouldnt have to stand around with 12 yr old s that want to skate on candy canes
I wonder what Xe did THIS time...
ya i just got booted from server thinking that, I got banned from server.
I have actually only played one other p2p game simular to DDO; Worlds of warcraft. Imo DDO is alot more fun to play, love the game. But lately it have been some real issues with lag and crashes.
I dunno, but less players would help.. Cause if it will continue like this I think alot of p2p player will loose there pationts.. And all p2p players make this game go around, I say, hold them close, if ya lose them this game is nothing.
But again, to have alot of f2p players is not wrong, u tempt them to become VIP, but come on, if it will continue like this u will lose alot of p2p playes who actaully pay to get decent playtime.
Maybe u should consider to make on f2p sever who expericene lag and craches all the time and have p2p servers that actually works.
Rise and shine Turbine, time to wake up, grab some coffee, and reboot Thelanis.
I either get to play DDO this morning, or my wife will make me watch Sunday morning News shows talking about the Health Care vote today. Please, have some mercy, I wanna play DDO!
~PESTILENCE~Looting's our business and business is good.Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor
I am a F2P user. I buy or farm DDO points as necessary to acquire content. Otherwise I would point out that it is this server which seems to have a long history of service issues. Why that is, is something for long debate. The powers that be seem unwilling to shed light on the situation. I suspect, Thelanis is running the oldest hardware and/or has some infrastructure problem causing issues..
Conjecture gets us no where however.. I just hope they are on the job sorting it out.
I believe a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.
~Last Samurai
Professional assassination is the highest form of public service.
~Master Chiun
pffff, also booted from delera, was just about to enter part 3![]()
Aparently back on-line at 2:30 pm gmt,see you soon for more online abuse![]()
W000t one LFM on keeper.
and isnt even in my level range
they better hurry up, im watching reruns of streetcustoms berlin now
*** European refugee ***
ex-keeper player, former member/officer of Drunk and Dangerous and The Alcoholics Anonymous
Thelanis - guild: Forchat
well it looks like the trogs have taken over thelanus server