I had an idea
that I thought was great,
I created a thread
to see how it'd rate.

Not overly political
I thought it was fine,
didn't think my humor
would come close to the line.

I got a few responses
I thought it would rock,
what do you mean
in before the lock?

Oh no, this is bad
man this is no good,
the Salty Cube apeared
in my neighborhood.

Though he knew my intent
and knew I was funning,
in his wisdom he knew
what responses were coming.

I hate to say it
the Cube was right,
he decided my thread
could start up a fight.

The first responses
made me think I was hosed,
and once the Cube showed up
my thread was closed.

Dear Salty Cube
I am a big fan,
please don't slap me
with a Salty ban.

To those reading this
be careful what you do,
for when the bell tolls
The Cube comes for you!!!