\m/ [( oO )] \m/
Advice and sudgestions are welcome, but only from seasoned players. Thank you.
Server: Sarlona
Lvl 8 (Rank 36) Dwarven Paladin (Custom Build)
Prestige: Paladin Deffender of Siberys (AC Specialized Tank.)
Unbuffed/Full Buff (Personal)
Str: 18/20 Hit Points: 116/124
Dex: 13/13 Spell Points: 186/186
Con: 14/16 Armor Class (AC): 33/40
Int: 8/8 Fortitude: 17/19
Wis: 14/14 Reflex: 12/13
Cha: 21/21 Will: 14/15
Damage Reduction: 0/5 (Evil)
Used Items:
Head: Helm of Wizardry 2: +50 Spell points.
Neck: ---
Eyes: Goggles of Minute Seeing: +5 Search
Armor: +5 Mithril Full Plate
Wrists: +3 Ogre Power Bracers
Ring 1: Ring of Shield of Faith
Boots: Feather Fall Boots
Hands: +3 Dexterity Gloves
Ring 2: ---
Belt: +2 Health Belt
Back: +3 Charismatic Cloak
Trinket: ---
Used Weapons: Mains: +4 Dwarven Axe, +3 Ghost Touch Warhammer of Pure Good, +1 Hold Dwarven Axe of Pure Good
Alts: +4 Warhammer, Giant Stalker's Knife, +1 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Pure Good, +4 Great Axe, +1 Adamantine Returning Throwing Axe, Muck Bane.
Shields: +5 Heavy Steel Shield, +3 Lesser Fire Guard heavy Steel Shield of Light Fortification
Paladin Armor Class Boost 1: ---
Paladin Armor Class Boost 2: +3 Action boost to Armor Class for 20 Seconds.
Dwarven Armor Mastery 1: ---
Dwarven Armor Mastery 2: --- Total of +2 Increase to Maximum Dexterity Modifier allowed on any worn Armor.
Dwarven Constitution 1: +1 Increase to Constitution score.
Dwarven Faith 1: ---
Dwarven Faith 2: Grants 30 addition Spell Points.
Dwarven Shield Mastery: Reduce the damage you suffer while blocking by 1.
Paladin Courage of Good 1: Aura of Courage grants +2 to saves against Fear.
Paladin Bulwark of Good 1: Aura of Good provides a +1 Armor Class Bonus.
Paladin Focus of Good: Aura of Good provides a +3 Bonus to Concentration skill checks to surrounding allied casters when damaged in combat.
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands: Grants an additional Lay On Hands per Rest (Total: 2. Health/Damage done: 90.)
Paladin Defender of Siberys 1: Grants 2 Additional Turn attempts, additional AC when Blocking with a Shield, and increases Maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by Tower Shields by 1.
--Defensive Stance: Gain +2 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, +1 Secred bonus to all saves, +2 Dodge Bonus to AC. Also produce 50% more hate with Melee attacks.
--Magic Circle: AoE Grants a +2 Deflection bonus to AC and +2 Resistant bonus to saves against attacks from evil creatures. Those effected are also warded from Magical Mental Control and Compulsions.
Paladin Energy of the Templar: Grants 20 additional Spell points.
Paladin Divine Might 1: Grants a +2 Sacred bonus to Damage for one minute.
Any areas that are empty, ( --- ) I would ask that sudgestions for the best items to put there are given. I am rich by no means, so be realistic. Your advice and criticism is welcome and appreciated.
I will be making builds like this for some time. If you have a desire to see a specific build stat sheet, simply ask and I will, in time, go about making one.
Donations for the best items are welcome. And IF more than one person has a desire, money donated (In Game) will inlfuence such decisions.
NOTICE- This is not Gold Spamming. Any and all who send ANY ammount of gold do this by their own free will. If you DO NOT wish to, and find the entire Idea stupid, then I would ask that you say nothing at all. As well, any that have capped toons holding older and useless items that they feel may be useful to any of the listed characters below, I thank you.
This is a charity. I take all that is given, to give others a better understanding. Thankyou.
Alpemael: Lvl 12 Micro Managed Pure Bred Trap Monkey.
Scythera: Lvl 9 Micro Managed Arcane Ranger
Dantael: Lvl 8 Micro Managed Defender of Siberys Paladin (AC Build)
Mariyanna: lvl 4 Bard (Haggle Bot)
Rayonaek: lvl 2 Fighter, lvl 2 Wizard -- Arcane/Eldritch Knight. Purely experimental. This character is currently stuck due to lack of funds needed for Armor to work with him.
Thank you.
-Mailing info (Gold)-
Server: Sarlona
Character: Alpemael
-Mailing Info (Items)-
Server: Sarlona
Character: Mariyanna